Unity Day.

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I was sleeping when I heard everyone move outside, watching something on the screen they had set up. Clarke was offering me her tent to me for the time being, Bellamy had been avoiding me after our heart to heart in the woods and didn't feel like sharing his tent with me I suppose. I hated the Sky People's camp and I missed the familiar weight of my swords once more. Bellamy had taken them back as soon as he realized Lincoln wasn't in camp anymore and the finger was pointed at me. The only way I could have done it was if I hadn't been unconscious the whole damn time I was unconscious. I knew who had done it because she admitted it. Octavia thought I would tell her brother. I just took the blame instead. I sat in front of the screen the Sky people had rigged up to watch "Unity Day" or something like that. It amazed me they could receive a signal from so far away, courtesy of Monty, but the children made it really cute. It was something truly nice to behold. Octavia sat next to me. "Are you going to tell Bellamy about me letting Lincoln go? Or are you just going to take the blame yourself?" "I haven't turned you in yet," I said quietly, poking the screen again. "Besides, he would probably accuse me of lying in order to get my swords back. Don't get me wrong, I would, but it won't be long now. One of our tribes will make contact, i'm sure Lincoln has passed the information on by now." I shrugged emotionlessly "Lincoln said he would rather not have to reach out to Anya because he thinks you wouldn't take it well," Octavia told me, and I looked at the ground. It was true. Anya would likely be very hostile toward the Sky People if she knew they were keeping me captive. "So what will you do if we contact Anya? Isn't she your leader or something?" "Or something." I said a little to bitterly. "She was my second and my closest friend. Her judgment means a lot to me. If we do end up contacting her she might listen to me. And she might want to kill all of you." I smirked. "Will you get into any trouble for being caught?" Octavia worried. "I will accept whatever punishment she has to give me for allowing myself to be captured. Then I will face my siblings, and my father with this failure. Hopefully I will keep my rank." Octavia was about to say something else when shouts made me turn around. Jasper had a grin, holding something in front of me. "Sip," he said, handing me a cup. I smelled it, my eyes trained on him in suspicion. "Sip it, Visenya. You're the only one who hasn't gone through the rite of passage. Drink it." "Alcohol is pointless," I said, holding it back out to him. Jasper kept a kind of cocky look on his face. I admitted, the Sky people did things I wouldn't ordinarily do, but this was where I drew the line. I was not going to drink this no matter how Jasper and the others looked at me with smug grins and knowing glances and... was that chicken sounds I heard? I sighed, holding the cup towards me. "Alright, alright. Only one though. Understand?" I made brief eye contact with Clark, Finn, and Bellamy before tipping it back. Then it was like a party commenced and everyone began the celebration. Maybe Unity Day wasn't so bad.

Hours after the sun had set, I found myself balancing a stick on my nose. It was a game some of the boys had convinced me to try on Bellamy's orders. I was probably one of the most drunk here, but I play a good game. The point was to balance the stick for ten seconds. If you win, no drink. But none of us have been able to so it so far. "She's almost at ten seconds," One of them said when I heard something that made me laugh. The stick fell and I accepted another cup on Monty's still. Finn placed a hand on my shoulder as I set it down, giving my attention. "Hey, I need to ask you about something real quick. Alone," He said but I knew there would be no questions. There might be an offer, but no questions. I sighed, flashing the boys a smile before following Finn, holding his shoulder to keep my balance. "How much have you had to drink?" He asked. "Not as much as I might need," I replied, and he turned around with a grin. "Shut your mouth. Wait, don't do that because I need to know why you took me away from the game and the drinking. Seriously, the blond was kinda funny in a boring Sky People way." I babbled from the effects of the alcohol in my system. Finn laughed again. "Don't let Bellamy hear that." I gave him a questioning look in return, but he only shook his head. "Okay, you get your clothes back tonight, and your swords if Clark can get them." I took the bundle of leather, pulling my shirt off without caring what Finn saw. I lived with men most of the time anyway, so he wouldn't be the first to see something. "Got it." Clarke said as she gave my blades to me, not even bothering to question why I was half naked in front of Finn. She was well aware of how open I was in certain circumstances. "We're meeting with your people. Tonight." A song of curses left my mouth, and I looked around for water to drink. I would need it to clean my breath or Anya would think I was a traitor. Finn handed it over, and I tried to clean my mouth, or maybe get rid of the smell. When I finished, I unsheathed my swords, looking at them carefully. The last time they had been used was to kill one of the Sky People. It might be used again for the same purpose soon if they don't play their cards right. Then I placed them back inside, clipping them into place on my back. "I'll lead. Just tell me where we're going." "The bridge," Finn informed me, and I looked around for a moment before leaving the camp to meet Anya and whoever she brought with her.

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