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~*~Bellamy POV~*~

I had been waiting for Visenya nearly all day. She was supposed to be here when the sun rose to meet me and she wasn't. I knew something was wrong. There was no way in hell she was letting me to to Mount Weather by myself, yet she was still not here. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. I told Clarke to ask the Commander to help me track her down. Lexa of course agreed to it seeing as Visenya was not only her adviser but her eldest sibling. Lexa was questioning people around camp if they had seen her and Clarke and I went to see her siblings back at Tondc to see if Visenya even made it to them. "Have you seen her?" Rhaeneys asked Clarke and I, clearly upset. I shook my head as a feeling of panic came over me. Thalion was behind us in seconds, out of breath and panicked. Artigas was limping his way to them, and Thalion began crying softly. "He wasn't seen her either. No one knows where she is. We can't find her, Bellamy. No one can." I shared a look with Clarke as Lexa approached us. She had blood all over her and she looked livid as she grabbed me. "You are going to the Mountain!" She seethed as the camp went silent. "I have to find Visenya first," I said carefully as she gripped my arm. "That was not a question." She hissed and I swallowed hard. "You're going to the Mountain. They have my sister." She seamen's and her voice cracked at the end. I had never seen her react so violently, so emotionally. For a moment I felt like I was looking at Visenya before me. I took a second to realize what she was saying, and then I felt the same urgency. Rhaeneys was cursing, turned away as Thalion was held up only by Artigas. I nodded without hesitation, Decidedly. "I will. For Visenya." I said and Lexa let go. She looked around at everyone else before she left again, going to her tent and allowing whispers to break out behind her.

Rhaeneys surprisingly was the one to stop me. "I love my sisters, Bellamy, both of them." She said as her eyes rimmed with red. "But you can't go yet. It's dark out and who knows how many Reapers are still around looking for someone else to bring back to the Mountain. You're my sisters only hope, no one else will go. You can't get yourself killed. "Wouldn't you go?" I asked, breathing heavily as scenarios ran through my head, each one worse than the last. "No," Rhaeneys said, shaking her head even though I could see how much it hurt. "Visenya wouldn't let me if it were anyone else. She wouldn't want me to think about it if it were her. Besides...I'm the big sister now. I have to be here for Thalion. Sleep, rest, and be ready for tomorrow when you get to her. That's what she needs." I nodded, my panic being stuffed back for now as I saw the point of Rhaeney's words. Artigas and Thalion came to Rhaeneys and he grabbed his sisters hand. "Bellamy, bring her home." She said, leaving me to myself for the night. Clarke was looking at me, watching as she looked over maps. She walked over to talk but instead she hugged me tightly, trying to comfort my fear. "She'll be fine," Clarke whispered. "Visenya's really strong, and this won't put her down. You'll be there in enough time, Bellamy." I looked to her but all I kept seeing was my worst fears. Reapers tearing her green eyes from her skull, green eyes I didn't want to imagine closing forever or being eaten. "I hope so." I whispered. The thought of her being in that place again, after all that happened to her there. It made me feel sick knowing she was there again. Alone and hopeless. "We have to get her out Clarke. I don't think she will survive in one piece this time." I urged her. "She's strong, Bellamy. Stronger than anyone I know." Clarke tried to make me feel better. 


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