The First Command.

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Dawn approached as I stood outside mine and my sister's tent as I prepared for the coming battle. In the distance I could see the Sky People's ark camp and people fleeting about inside. They should have taken my advise and left by now and they hadn't. If there was a battle I had a bad feeling I was going to have to fight Bellamy and I didn't know if I had it in me to kill him. I shook the thought from my head as my eyes caught a glimpse of a girl walking towards our side of the clearing, headed right to me. As she grew closer I recognized the girl as Clarke. She walked closer and before she could get within ten feet of me or mine and Lexa's tent a swarm of Grounders were standing between us, protecting there second in command from the enemy. "Ge out gon the way." I hissed for them to move as I pushed one of the guards away from me. All of them moved except one, mine and Lexa's personal body guard. He stood right in front of me and the opening to the tent. Clarke walked right up to him and stopped before him. "If you so much as look at them the wrong way, I will slit your throat." He said in a deep cold voice. I watched Clarke swallow in fear before he moved out of her way leaving her face to face with me. "How the tables have turned. Welcome to my world." I said before I turned and the guards opened the drapes for me. I walked under them with Clarke in tow. Guards stopped her from getting to close to the thrones Lexa and I sat in. I walked up next to my sister who was fiddling with a dagger in her fingers before I sat down gracefully in my throne beside her.

 I walked up next to my sister who was fiddling with a dagger in her fingers before I sat down gracefully in my throne beside her

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"So you are the one who burned three hundred of my warriors alive." Lexa addressed Clarke as she twisted the dagger in her fingers. "You're the one who sent them here to kill us." Clarke fired back. Lexa stuck the tip of the dagger into the arm rest of her throne and looked Clarke in her eyes. "Yes well, you kidnapped my sister for weeks." Lexa nearly hissed and I looked at Clarke with evil eyes. Clarke nearly gasped as she looked at the both of us. It was in this second I realized I never told them that Lexa, the Commander, was my sister. "Visenya is your sister?" Clarke asked carefully. "She is my blood, my eldest sibling who raised me to be strong." Lexa said as she looked to me for a moment and nodded. "She is the person I trust the most, my strongest warrior, and the most wise general in our clan." She told Clarke. "You didn't think I was just some random Grounder did you?" I asked her and she remained quiet. Lexa and I both chuckled. "You have seen her fight though, right?" Lexa laughed more. "The Sky People do no fight like us, they use guns to do their work for them." I said as I rubbed my side were my wounds still stung. "Their people have no honor." I finished and Lexa nodded taking this under advisement. "So, do you have an answer for me, Clarke of the Sky people?" Lexa asked her clearly. "I've come to make you an offer." Clarke stated. "This is not a negotiation." I hissed from my seat. "Teik ai frag em op en ge disha odon kom." Indra one of my sister generals hissed asking for permission to kill Clarke herself.

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