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Octavia came to get me when Bellamy was diagnosed. I woke up alone, throwing a stick in the air and catching it as entertainment for a while. She opened the flap, standing up. I didn't need to read her thoughts to know how upset she was with me, I could see it in her body language. "Bellamy's asking for you." She said, I stood. "He's in the drop ship. I'll take you to him." "Wait, why is he in the drop ship?" I asked, grabbing her arm. It turned out we were both immune. "That's where..." I trailed off. The look in her eyes answered my question well enough. Bellamy was sick. "I'm coming." I told her as I grabbed my music box. Octavia led me through, and I stopped her before she left again. "I am sorry if I made you mad." I said a little too formally. I wasn't very good at expressing feelings other than anger. "I can't really blame you," She admitted. "If you threw a spear at my brother and dragged me off, I'd be pissed too. I'd be trying to hurt you and everybody else, same as you. No hard feelings. But, uh, next time, don't target my brother. He values your opinion a lot." I nodded, and she left. I sat down next to Bellamy, running my fingers through his hair. His eyes cracked open. "Visenya?" He asked before launching into a coughing fit. I rolled him over, letting him cough the blood out and gesturing for Murphy. He came by quickly. And I took the cup in my hands, thanking him with a soft smile. I sat Bellamy up a bit, tipping the water into his mouth. I smoothed his hair out of his face like I did Rhaeneys the night before, but it didn't feel the same. I laid him back down so I didn't hurt his back. "I didn't know if you'd come." He croaked. "You shouldn't talk." I whispered, trying to shush him. "Of course I came. Octavia said you were on the drop ship and I knew you were sick. I might not be happy with you, but I don't want you to die." Bellamy smiled a bit, closing his eyes again. He murmured something, and I leaned forward. "Your music box, the song Viserra sang." He said in a low voice so I could just barely hear, and I gave him a confused look. "Sing it." I looked around, seeing most of the people were sleeping or too sick to mind us. I thought about the song, my throat dry. "Wandering child of the earth, do you know just how much you're worth? You have walked this path since your birth. You are destined for more..."

Bellamy relaxed as I continued playing in his hair, singing the song softly. He smiled softly as he drifted off into sleep. I sighed, looking down at him. "Guess it'll be as long night, huh, Bell?" I said quietly before continuing my soft lullaby. "There are those who'll tell you you're wrong, they will try to silence your song. But right here is where you belong so don't search anymore..." Murphy was watching us, and I frowned as I knew it would be better if I left and got out of the way. "He really likes you," Murphy said, and I swallowed. "Friends but enemies. My people don't have a term for that." I laughed a bit. "Frenemies. Honestly, I hope it doesn't stay that way. Not all of you are bad." Murphy nodded, looking around again. "Hey, if you ever need anything after all of this don't be afraid to ask me. I want to get past what happened with Charlotte. I hope you feel the same." Murphy smiled before getting back to work, and I looked up. One more friend then before, even if it would be hard to keep him.

I woke up to find Bellamy carrying me back to our tent. I looked around, signaling him to let me back on my feet. "Go back to sleep." He said, and I relaxed against him again. He opened the flap, walking inside with me in his arms before stopping and tensing up. I looked at the bed to find Thalion on it. Cursing I fell to the ground, reaching him again. "Thalion," I whispered shaking his shoulders. He was holding the doll I had given to Rhaeneys, clutching it to his chest. "Please don't tell everyone-" I went to asked Bell but he was already shaking his head, closing the flap and zipping it up to prove a point to everyone. I gave him a thankful look, and he gestured to my brother. "Thalion, get up." He glanced around drowsily. "Visenya you are finally here." Thalion said in our native tongue. I nodded once, being a bit short. He wrapped his arms around me, holding on tight. I sighed, running my hands through his hair. "Rhaeneys is going to make it, but there's another problem. Mom was hit with a bomb and she doesn't have much longer." My world began closing in on me. I looked at Bellamy. "A bomb?" I asked, speaking English to him. He nodded slowly. It seemed every time I was close to getting over our previous issue, we had another one to deal with. I smoothed my brother's hair rocking back and forth as he cried softly. "Bellamy... the bomb hit my mother." He was sitting beside me in a second, my head nestled against his shoulder. I looked around, trying to make sense of everything. Bellamy was holding the both of us and I shook my head, moving away from him with pleading eyes. "Bellamy, I have to go to home." I whispered, grabbing his hand "Please, you have to let us go. She is my mother, Bellamy. Please." His dark eyes were hard, and I almost thought he might deny me. Instead he shook his head firmly. "I can't just let you go, Visenya." "No, please," I begged, tightening my grip as tears threatened me. "Sh-she's my mother. I have to go! Please, Bell!" He stared at me for a minute longer, then he sighed. I almost though he'd say yes. Instead he shook his head again "I can't, Visenya." He said, and Thalion opened his eyes, becoming more aware of his surroundings. My heart constricted, and I looked down at him, kissing his temple gently. "Visenya, you have to understand, please. Before you hate me again." I tried so hard not to be mad as a tear slipped down my cheek. Thalion buried his face in my chest, peeking at the Sky person beside me. "I can't because...because..." He didn't even have a reason. Why was I here? I didn't want to be, and he didn't have a reason for me to be. Or he had a reason and he wouldn't tell me. A sob broke free, and he looked at me as I wanted to stop. "Visenya," Thalion tightened his grip around me, beginning to cry as well. Bellamy stood up, looking outside the tent. "Not many people are out right now. Come on, and hurry up before someone notices." He ordered. I stood, holding onto my brother and grabbing my music box. Thalion was silent as I followed Bellamy, his hand finding mine to drag me forward when I was too slow. He dragged us a good bit away from camp. My brother went ahead to tell them I was coming, and Bellamy stopped me. "I'll tell Clark and the others what happened. She'll understand, and everyone else can just deal with it," He said turning away. "Take care of yourself, Visenya. I hope we don't see each other soon." I looked at the music player in my hands. "Bellamy," I said, and he turned around to catch the box as I tossed it. "Take care of it for me." I almost whispered with sadness in my heart. "I will." He nodded looking straight at me. "May we meet again." I did my best to smile, my head turning away from him again as I jogged in the direction of my people. I could feel his stare on me, even when it was impossible for him to even catch a glimpse of me.

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