The Chute

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The next morning Maya led us through the mountain while Fox stayed back at Maya's home. "Lovejoy's key card will get you into the armory. The guns are locked. But the guard has the key. I can lure him away if-" Maya started only for me to cut her off. "There's no time. Once we get the guns, how do we get them to level five?" I asked her. "They're watching every door." Bellamy added. "Maybe not," Maya threw in, making us stop. "The mess hall has a trash chute." She told us. "A trash chute?" Bellamy asked. "There's one on every level. Best part, no radiation alarms. The hatches leak like crazy so they put in air locks to be safe. You get the guns, I'll get them into the mess hall." She told us insistently. "You're a natural born revolutionary." Bellamy told her. "My mom was the revolutionary. I'm just trying to do what's right." Maya told us. I gave her a small nod before turning my gaze on Bellamy. "Meet back here in thirty minutes." He told Maya. She nodded and the two of us headed to the armory.

As we moved down the hall I heard something on Bellamy's radio. "Wait," I said before grabbing the radio from his hip and turning up the volume. "I know Maya's a friend of yours," A man's voice said. It sounded like that creep we heard in the marrow extraction room. "In twenty minutes your friend will either suffocate or burn." He said. I glanced up at Bellamy and we instantly turned heading back where we had last seen Maya. I turned off the volume of the radio as we ran, hurrying to find Maya. "The trash chute. If we can get guns in there we can get Maya out." I said quickly. "Just what I was thinking." Bellamy said before we hurried to find the chute.

"Ladies first," Bellamy said as he held open the trash chute door. "Such a gentleman," I said with sarcasm as I climbed into the chute and braced my arms and feet against the wall. I started slowly lowering myself until I felt an emptiness to my right. Going down a little further I felt a ledge. "This must be it," I said before looking up at Bellamy. There was about a ten foot drop from him to me. "Get the hatch open I'll wait up here," He told me. I nodded and crawled onto the ledge as I heard the door hinges squeaking and grunts from the other side. With as much room as I could I threw myself at the hatch, my shoulder slamming into the metal. "There's someone in there." I heard a familiar muffled voice. "They're coming in!" Another familiar voice yelled from the other side as I continued to ram my shoulder into the metal hatch. I finally pushed the door open and was met with the sight of Miller, Harper, Monty, and Jasper all staring at me with wide eyes. "Visenya." Jasper said with surprise on his face. I glanced around until I saw Maya in a hazmat suit. "Get her in here. Come on," I said before backing up as much as I could. Maya hurried forward and crawled into the chute. Maya slid down the empty space of the chute first, with me close behind. Jasper jumped into the chute and I thought I heard Bellamy climb in, but wasn't sure until I landed in a large metal bin. I landed and then Jasper fell down beside me. I groaned and pulled myself forward a few feet just in time for Bellamy to land where I had been. Jasper scrambled for Maya and ripped off her mask. She sucked in air as jasper pulled her to him. "I've got you." He told her as they embraced, Maya's breathing still labored. "Decontamination complete. All Clear." A computer voice spoke as Bellamy climbed out of the bin before helping me out. Jasper who I hadn't realized had a gun held it out to Bellamy. Bellamy took it and Jasper climbed out just as someone rounded the corner. I turned to see Maya's father. "Dad? What are you doing here?" She asked him as Jasper helped her out of the bin. "What your mother would have done." He replied before hugging her. Jasper let out a relieved laugh and turned his gaze to me. "Thank you for coming for us, I know it was hard for you." Jasper said sincerely. "Clarke is coming with my army." I assured them. "What?" Jasper asked in shock. "We have to keep all of you safe until then." I added with a quick nod. "Don't tell me Finn finally got his peace talk." Jasper said a smile still on his lips. I gritted my teeth at the mention of the murderers name. "Something like that." I told him with a scowl. Bellamy shared a look with me and I was sure he could tell how I felt about the subject still. "Come on, we got a lot of work to do." Bellamy said, his hand coming to rest on the small of my back. 

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