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I exited the tent with Clarke on my heels and a few other Grounders who would escort us to the Sky People's gates behind the both of us. Clarke was quiet probably still trying to come to terms with what was happening. "Soncha the torches so emo can see osir." I commanded them to light the torches so they could see us approaching. The sound of my voice must have brought Clarke back to reality because suddenly she grabbed my wrist. Just as suddenly as her fingers made contacts seven other grounders drawled there weapons and they were aimed for Clarke. "That was not very wise of you, Clarke." I hissed as I pulled my wrist away from her touch. As she went to speak once more everyone took a step towards her to stop her. I simply raised my arm and they stopped their approach. "Chil yo daun." I commanded them to stand down. They all lowered their weapons and backed off. "You cannot treat me they way you are used to here. I am royalty to them. If you touch me again without my consent they will kill you." I warned her harshly before I motioned for my mount to be brought to me. Clarke gasped as a warrior brought my horse to me and I took the reigns. "You know how to ride one?" She asked me and I raised a brow to her. "I suppose your people didn't have them in the Sky." I said I stuck my food in the stirrup and pulled myself up to sit on the back of the horse. Clarke watched as others got onto their horses and were handed torches to light the way, leaving only Clarke on the ground. Her expression made me smirk. "You have not earned the right to ride a mount. You will walk." I told her as the gates were opened and I gently kicked my horse in the side sending him forward.

We left the protection of our camp and began our short journey across the clearing to the enemy camp

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We left the protection of our camp and began our short journey across the clearing to the enemy camp. The fog was thick in the air, so thick I could barely see my own hands in front of me yet I clearly kept an eye on Clarke as she walked in front of our horses leading the way back to her people. We ghosted across the field silently keeping our eyes peeled for any kind of attack they were planing. As we grew closer I could see the beginnings of their wall and light from their own torches. Clarke stopped a few feet from the fence and looked back to me. I nodded motioning her forwards. We could hear her people on the other side of the walls yelling to open the gates. I turned to my followers giving them all a stern look. "Ste hir taim ai bring em out." I commanded them to stay on this side of the gates until I brought Finn out before dawn. "Hold your fire! She's back! Open the gate." I recognized Bellamy's voice from the other side. "Power up the gates. Roll-out positions. Stay ready!" Clarke looked at me and swallowed hard as the gate began to open. "Taim ai nou come out fou dawn return en ready gon wor." I added commanding them to return and ready for war if I did not come out with Finn by dawn. They nodded silently and stood their ground as the gates opened. I moved my horse forward a few steps as Clarke moved closer to the gates. I held my position on my mount as Clarke walked in hesitantly. Finn ran up to her almost immediately. "Are you okay?" He asked her and I could see her look of guilt in her eyes from where I was. She had traded his life for the life of her people and now she was going to have to tell him. With a smug look I urged my horse forward and he walked past the gate just behind Clarke and Finn. "What's she doing here?" Finn asked confused. "I've come to oversee this truce and make sure our terms are met." I said with superiority as I pulled my feet from the stirrup and slid of the side of my horse. My feet hit the ground and I took hold of the reigns once more. The eyes of all the Sky people were on my horse, they had never seen one before. I turned him around to face my fellow grounders and handed the reigns to another. I stepped back towards the Sky people and once again found myself on their side of the wall. "Shut the gate." Clarke ordered and the gates slammed shut leaving my comrades on the other side. Clarke grabbed Finn's arm and pulled him away from me and the walls. "You can't be out here." She tried to say quietly but I could still hear her. I followed them keeping an eye on Finn at all times. Bellamy kept his gun pointed at me to stop me from following and I laughed as the barrel of his gun touched my shoulder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warned him playfully. "And why the hell not?" He asked as he held the metal to my armor. I smirked as I looked over my shoulders at the grounders on the other side of the gate. "They are here to escort me and the terms of our truce back to the Commander. If I do not return by dusk they will attack." I told him seriously. "I'm untouchable." I smirked as I pushed past him to follow Clarke and Finn. The next person who approached Clarke was her mother I assumed, only because Clarke ran right into her arms and the resemblance was uncanny. They held each other for a moment, but still long enough that suddenly all the people around us were looking. They pulled apart and the mother looked Clarke right in the eyes. "What did she say?" She asked her. Clarke stayed quiet for a moment. "Is there a chance for a truce?" Her mother asked frantically. "Yes." Clarke breathed hesitantly. "What's wrong?" Finn asked catching onto Clarke's saddened expression. She looked to him with such guilt in her eyes that I almost felt bad, almost. And then I felt the ache in my side. "They want you." She said in a broken voice. Finn's blood left his face and Clarke looked away from him to address her people. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn." Clarke said almost ashamed of the deal she made. Whispers erupted from her people and suddenly Raven spoke up. "What the hell are you talking about?" She said in anger. "That's their offer." Clarke tried to tell Raven. "That's not an offer." Raven refused the idea. "You're right. It's punishment." I said as I stepped closer to them looking Finn dead in the eyes. "For what happened in Tondc." Finn breathed with fear as he squirmed under my electric gaze. "Blood for blood." I stated as I looked at the boy with disgust. "That's insane." Bellamy said as he looked at me. The expression on his face made me want to wince but I held my ground. "If we refuse?" The mother asked Clarke. "They attack." Clarke whispered. The crowds of people around us began to rumble as they all began to speak, it was hard to make out what they were all saying but a few of them were loud enough that we heard them clearly. "Say we give him up!" A man yelled. "Get rid of him." Another spoke. "Easy people!" A female guard tried to ease the tension. "Give him to the Grounders!" A man yelled as he approached Finn. Raven lunged for him pushing him away. "Back off!" She growled. "Hey! Raven, Raven." People tried to pull her off the man. "Raven listen to me. Nothings going to happen to him." Clarke tried to calm her. "I promise, okay?" Clarke asked her, Raven nodded as she caught her breath. "I'm not dying for him! Spacewalker burned three months of oxygen from the Ark. He should have floated a long time ago. Throw him out!" A man yelled as he pointed aggressively to Finn. I could do nothing but stand back and enjoy the madness that had come over the camp as people began fighting. In the mist of the chaos Finn looked between Clarke and I frantically. "Blood must have blood." I said as I looked into his eyes taunting him. 

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