I threw up today
Remembering what he did
How he ruined me
How it felt to be right back
In that moment
Oh how I cried
All I could think is
"It's not fair"
How can he live in bliss but
When I sit the wrong way
It floods my senses
Just like that I'm drowning
I threw up today
Remembering my injustices
Through my tears & time
I was right there
All that crap built up
Bubbling over the surface
The saddest thing is when
I realized
The plague that is him
Never really left
I just got numb
I threw up today
Remembering my fear
I still flinch a little
When people move
Too close to me too quickly
But now
I have her & she has me
In every beautiful way
She helps me chase away my demons
As I do hers
Pushing his residual illness from my pores
With the promise of tomorrow
Just like that I'm home
Collection of the dark days
PoetryWarning these will be either depressing or uplifting. Read at your own discretion