A letter

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I threw up today
Remembering what he did
How he ruined me
How it felt to be right back
In that moment
Oh how I cried
All I could think is
"It's not fair"
How can he live in bliss but
When I sit the wrong way
It floods my senses
Just like that I'm drowning

I threw up today
Remembering my injustices
Through my tears & time
I was right there
All that crap built up
Bubbling over the surface
The saddest thing is when
I realized
The plague that is him
Never really left
I just got numb

I threw up today
Remembering my fear
I still flinch a little
When people move
Too close to me too quickly
But now
I have her & she has me
In every beautiful way
She helps me chase away my demons
As I do hers
Pushing his residual illness from my pores
With the promise of tomorrow

Just like that I'm home 

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