Chapter Two; Library

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*Dacota's POV*

When I was walking down the halls after the lunch bell rang, I noticed there were a fair amount of screaming girls and a few guys surrounding the door. I cocked my head, then strode to a girl straggling towards the end.

"Um, excuse me? What's going on?" I asked her. She turned to me and looked at me like I was the stupidest thing she had ever seen.

"Like, are you kidding? Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"The new guy?"

"What about him?"

"It's Harry Styles!"

"Who?" I instantly regretted saying this, because nearly every girl turned to look at me with the same expression.

"Are you, like, kidding?"

"How could you not know who he is?"

"He's only, like, the hottest guy in all of creation."

"And he's in love with me."

"Is not!"

"Who would like you, you ugly cow?" Which eventually started a fight. The principal just stood, watching. He was right not to get into a fangirl war. I shook my head and began to walk. I had free period now, but I didn't know what to do. I had finished my homework, finished the book I was reading and was stupid enough not to bring another, and I didn't want to interrupt Emily and Alex again. I sighed, puffing out my cheeks and decided to go to the library. I was the only one in again. Even the librarian was out. Probably goggling over the "celebrity" in the building. Not knowing what else to do, I got out my phone and googled him.

'Harry Edward Styles. 1/5 of the world-famous boyband, One Direction.' He did sound familiar, and, of course, I had heard of One Direction. They're only everywhere. I hadn't listened to many of their songs, besides the ones on the radio, but everybody on tumblr is ranting about how they've gone from bubblegum pop to indie rock in one album. Definitely going to have to get behind that.

Suddenly, I hear the door open. I turn my head to see a tall guy with swept-up, brown, wavy hair, a red plaid shirt over a grey t-shirt, skinny jeans, pointed-toe boots, and sunglasses. He looked stressed and tired. Probably just came from P.E. I shut my phone off and made my way to the shelves. I absentmindedly played with the charm around my neck, squinting my eyes and turning my neck to read the tiny-printed titles. Deciding on rereading the Divergent series, since the movie is coming out soon, I pulled it out from the shelf. Being my clumsy self, I managed to knock out a couple off as well. I tried to grab at them, but two, tan hands beat me to it. I looked up to see the guy at the door holding them, sunglasses still covering his face.

"Oh, thank you. I'm such a clutz." I set the first book down and took the others from him, restacking them next the others. I took my book off the shelf and made to walk away, but was blocked by the guy, still standing there. "Um, excuse me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just admiring how beautiful you are." he said, in a deep, British accent that frankly surprised me. I scoffed, however, and went around him. "Sorry, but don't you know who I am?"

I turned, eyebrows up, and countered, "A tool who thinks a pick-up line can get him any girl?" He laughed at this, then removed his sunglasses, revealing two, sparkling green eyes. I still didn't know who he was. I simply shrugged.

"I'm Harry Styles?" he said in an obvious tone. I rolled my eyes; so he's one of those celebrities.

"And? Am I supposed to kneel and worship you or something? Not a fan, dude." I said, and walked out of the library. Class was about to start.


Harry you rude shit


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