Chapter ThirtyTwo; Airplane

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*Dacota's Diary*

Dear Diary (I don't know if I'm too old for this, but I honestly don't care)

OK, so, um. Harry left today. We drove to the airport in silence, no radio or anything. A few tears escaped my eyes, but Harry would only wipe them away. Whenever I looked at him, I could see his eyes getting watery, too. We got to the airport pretty early, so I turned the car off and we just stared at each other, crying and holding hands. Really fluffy crap, but I was sad and he was and it was a mess.

We walked in clutching to each other's hands, going as slow as possible. Unfortunately, we got to his plane, and the other guys were waiting for us. They waved, but they saw how miserable we looked, I guess, so they gave us some space. I looked at my phone and saw how much longer we had, which wasn't a lot. I let out a pathetic whimper and collapsed into Harry's arms. He nearly squeezed the life out of me, but I couldn't care less. I wanted to hold on to him forever and ever, and I know how cliche that sounds, but I do.

Niall had to come over and break us up, telling us that they were boarding soon. Harry nodded and wiped at his cheeks, which were streaked with tears. He asked for a couple more seconds, and Niall backed off. As soon as he was out of earshot, Harry pressed his lips to mine. When we separated, he wiped my tears away, and told me he loved me and that he was going to miss me. I told him to call me every chance he could, no matter how late. I wouldn't be sleeping anyway. He kissed my forehead and tried to smile, but it came out looking forced.

He gave his suitcase to one of the bodyguards standing by, and walked up the stairs and into the plane. I told him I didn't like him on a plane, after what happened with my parents, but the engineers and pilots told me it was OK to worry, but the plane was absolutely safe.

There's an All Time Low song that says, "The neighbors say she moved away. Funny how it rained all day."

It started pouring when I left the airport.


EHHHHHHHHHHHH this is almost over.

btw, the ATL song is Therapy, it's really good, go listen to it.



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