Chapter 15; Eye Contact

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*Harry's POV* (right after Dacota ran)

I stood there in shock.

"What the..." I say to myself. I walk back over to the guys. I wonder if they had seen any of the scene that had just happened.

"What happened to Dacota?" James asks. None of them had seen what happened.

"What's wrong with Dacota?" Isaac asks.

"Calm down, guys. She just doesn't feel good." I don't want to embarrass her.

"Okay, well..." Isaac starts

"We know, you think she's hot. You say that about every girl." Zach says.

"Don't do anything to her, Isaac. She to nice and innocent." Alex says.

"I can change that." Isaac says.

"If you lay a finger on her," I lean over the table into Isaac's face, "I will hunt you down, and bury you alive." I growl.

"Whoa, I was just meaning I would totally tap that." he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Don't you dare even think about that."

"Does little Harry here have a crush?" he says. Wow he's a dick. But he has a point. Do I?

"No," I say confidently. "She's my friend and I don't want her to be ruined by a player like you."

"I know I date a lot of girls and lost my virginity in 9th grade but that doesn't mean I'm a player." he says.

"Okay, whatever you think." I say and stay quiet for the rest of lunch. Instead, I go into a daze. Do I like Cody? Nah, she's my friend, my charm buddy! We've become close in the last like what two days? That usually doesn't happen. Does that mean something? I don't know. Maybe. I get up to go dump my tray when I see her walking out of the bathroom. She's running down the hallway. I don't think I'll catch her. I sit back down and get my phone out.

To Cody :)

Call me after school, please.

I send the text and slump back in my chair. I stare at my phone and wait, and wait, and wait for her to text back but I don't think she will. I sigh and get up to go to English which will be boring now if Cody skips class. An hour later, I get out if class and walk by the office to get to my next class and see..

"Dacota," I say quietly. I want to go in there but I probably shouldn't. I'll just call her after school instead. I start walking again and a last walks into the school.

*Dacota's POV*

I turn when I hear the front door open. It's a loud door. I see my mom walking in and stand. But then I see Harry and turn a bit. I'm actually starting to feel sick now.

"Hey, honey. I'm sorry I took so long, there was a lot of traffic between here and the office being rush hour and you know I work across town and-"

"Mom it's fine. Let's just go. I wanna go home."

"Okay." she gives me her comforting smile that I love so much. "I will have to go back to work later though. In a few hours."

"It's okay. Let's just go." we walk out of the office and Harry is in the hallway right by the door. He turns when my mom opens the creaky door. Our eyes meet. I turn again and rush out the door.


So, what's going to happen? Dun dun dun!

*Sammie 🐷*

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