Chapter ThirtySix; Love

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*Dacota's POV*

I only have an hour before Harry is supposed to pick me up. I'm pacing the room again, trying not to bite my nails, for I had just painted them a nice white. I hadn't put on my new light blue, lacy dress, but it was hanging in my closet, a foot apart from the other pieces of clothing, so it wouldn't get wrinkled. My radio was turned all the way up, playing my favorite CDs. I was scared and nervous and excited and happy and confused all wrapped in an 19 year old girl.

Too soon, however, I realized he'd be here in under half an hour, so I had to officially get ready. I cautiously put on my dress, not forgetting to twirl around a bit, watching it flourish out around my legs. I giggled, but then rushed to the bathroom to curl my hair and do my makeup. When it was only a few minutes before I was going to see Harry again, I slipped into some white heels and slipped my phone into a silvery clutch purse. I clomped my way to the front hallway and sat on the stairs.

The next ten minutes were filled with foot tapping, sighing, and not tapping white tiles. I soon lost the game, however, because a knock was heard from the other side of the door. I couldn't help the smile flashing across my face.

*Harry's POV*

I fluffed my hair a few seconds, running my hands through it. I've been so nervous all day, and I don't know why. I mean, yeah, Cody was my girlfriend, but I haven't seen her in so long, it feels like a first date.

I could hear heeled footsteps coming toward the door, and my heart started beating faster.

Soon, too soon, not soon enough, the door swung open.

She looked as gorgeous as I remembered.

Her dress fit her perfectly, her makeup accentuating her beautiful blue green eyes. I stood there with my mouth open for a long time, staring at her. Disappointment flashed through her eyes, and that's when my heart nearly leaped out of my chest.

"What?" I asked. I scanned my body, looking for stains I may have missed.

She scoffed and said, "Sorry, I was expecting my boyfriend. You may know him; his name's Harry Styles, he's pretty famous." A smile graced her lips, and my own mouth turned up at the edges. Cody flung her arms around me and let out a squeal. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground.

"I missed you so much, Cody," I whispered in her ear. I heard her giggle, which made my heart flutter, and in the good way.

"I missed you, too," she laughed. I set her down and looked into her eyes. I was so in love with this girl. So, I told her that.

"Dacota, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I love you," I said, and I could see the red in her cheeks.

"I love you, too. And I think that's the first time you've called me Dacota since the day you met me," she whispered. I laughed and gestured to my car. I had made certain that management would request no paps following us. So far, I had seen no silvery cars with photographers throwing themselves out the window, so I think we're good. I looped my arm with hers and led her to the car. I opened the door for her, then took a deep breath.

I had something huge planned.



Big thing is good thing


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