Never Have I Ever ~7~

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        "Okay, so how we'll play is someone'll say something they've never done, and if you've done it, you have to raise your hand and say the story behind it. Okay? Okay. So, I'll go first... Hm... Ooh! Never have I ever had my ears pierced." Alice said.

        "I have," Jamie said, raising her hand. Alice and I both looked at her and she showed us her left ear which has an earring on her cartilage. 

        "Oh! Cool! I just kinda have a mini fear of needles so I won't be getting one anytime soon." Alice said then visibly shuddered. We all chuckled. "Anyway! Jamie, your turn since you were the only one to raise your hand."

        "Oh, okay, umm..... Never have I ever taken part in a talent show. Which is weird because it seems everyone else does." Jamie said. I sighed and raised my hand and looked at Alice. I slapped her arm as I saw she wasn't.

        "Hey! We were in one together! Jeez, it was horrific." I said to Alice.

        "Oh ya! Sorry." She raised her hand. "Well, I already went, so it's your turn Kal."

        "Oh! I know! Never have I ever broken something at a friend's house and then not tell them." I said, looking at Alice.

        "What! What did I do! WAIT HOW WOULD YOU KNOW!" Alice tackled me.

        "Kaleb told me!" I said, chuckling. Then the door bursts open and Kaleb was in the doorway.

        "Um, I heard my name?" Kaleb said. I looked at him then Alice got off me.

        "We're playing Never Have I Ever. Wanna play?" I asked. He shrugged then came over.

        "Sure, not like I have anything better to do until dinner anyway." Kaleb then sat on my bed.

        "Well, Alice, your turn!" I said, smiling at her.

        "Huh! Why me! Kaleb's a new play, why not him!" Alice objected.

        "Exactly! He's new, so your turn." I said, smiling.

        "Yeah Alice, go," Kaleb said, smirking and mocking her. She huffed then thought.

        "Never have I ever... Broken a bone!" Alice said. I (playfully) glared at her while Kaleb and I raised our hands.

        "Really?" Jamie asked. I nodded, smiling at her. "What's the story?" She asked Kaleb and I.

        "Yeah, sure. Okay... So... Let's see-"

        "Do you even remember?" Kaleb asked, cutting me off, chuckling. I shook my head, blushing a little. He took a deep breath and said the story very dramatically. 

        "Okay, so, one day when we were 10, our family decided to go camping somewhere out of wolf territory. We were wondering around hiking, and we heard this strange scream growl sound. Our father, the Beta, got in front of us all, ready to protect us if needed from whatever the heck made the sound. Since, of course," he stopped being dramatic. "We were only 10, we both got scared since we hadn't been out of our territory before the time so we ran away behind him and screamed and yada yada and Kal fell from a tree we tried to climb, breaking her wrist, and I fell into a hole or whatever when we were walking back, twisting my ankle since I had been running ahead. I know it's not actually a break but instead a twist, but I consider it one." Kaleb explained.

        "Okay, so Kaleb's turn!" Alice said and we all chuckled.

        "Fine... Never have I ever sang in front of a group of people."

        "Wait-- Oh never mind I thought you were gonna say 'sang in front of someone' and I was like 'what!' but anyway, continue," I said, blushing again. I raised my hand and so did Alice.

        "Kalevala, your turn." Jamie said, smiling.

        "Oh okay-wait, Jamie, you know you can just call me Kal, right?" I said. She blushed a bit then nodded. I smiled.

        "Hm... Let's see... Never have I ever... Dyed my hair a crazy color." I said. Jamie was the only one to raise her hand.

        "Oh, I guess I should explain?" Jamie asked. We all nodded. "Okay, so my cousin came over once when we were kids and we told my mom we wanted to dye my hair, but my mom said no. Finally, we convinced my mom to let us bleach my hair, so we did-"

        "Wait, that's not a crazy color then." Kaleb interrupted. I lightly smacked him on the arm.

        "Well, let me finish," Jamie said, slightly sassing him. "Anyway, we bleached my hair. Then, the next day when I took a shower, I got out after seeing pink in the water after using my shampoo, and I saw my hair was pink. My cousin had put pink dye in my shampoo without telling me so we could dye it even though my mom said we couldn't. So, that's how I had pink hair for about 3 months."

        "I remember that! I remember seeing a girl with pink hair for about 3 months!" I said laughing.

        "I want to meet this cousin." Kaleb said chuckling. The door bursts open again, for the 3rd time today.

        "Hey Kalevala, Kaleb, Alice, and OOH! NEW PERSON!" I head a familiar voice say. I looked to the door then I saw Kayla holding hands with Dylan, a dude behind her with brown hair and his left eye green and his right eye blue, although very similar shades to the point it was hard to tell from afar. 

        "Kayla!" I said, jumping off the bed and running to hug her, hearing Kaleb chuckled behind me as he walked. She hugged me back, lifting me off the floor a bit. Hey, we haven't actually seen each other for a while. Sure, we lived together, but she's always in her room or out somewhere with Dylan now. 

        "You chopped all your hair off!" Alice said shocked as soon as she processed Kayla was here. Kayla chuckled as we pulled out of the hug and she hugged Kaleb only not nearly as long as she hugged me.

        "Yeah, I did. Just yesterday, actually." She said when they pulled out of the hug, pinching some shoulder-length hair in-between her fingers. The dude that was still in the hall cleared his throat. "Oh! Ooh yeah! You guys haven't met Dylan yet, have you?" She said, jumped, then grabbed the guy's hand again. He took a step towards her and took his hand out of her grasp, putting it around her shoulders, clearly claiming her as she rolled her eyes. Him claiming her because of being mates made me think of Jamie and I looked back to see her looking down at her hands.

        "Oh, no, not properly, we haven't, but first," I said, walking over to her and dragging her over to Kayla and the others. "You have to meet my new... Friend... Jamie, this is Kayla, my older sister. Kayla, this is Jamie." I said smiling.

        "Aww! She's adorable!" Kayla took a step closer to Jamie I had to keep myself from standing in front of her. At Kayla saying this, Jamie blushed. "Almost as adorable as you, Kaleb, and Alice growing up!" Aaaand at that, Kaleb, Alice, and I all blushed. 

        "ANYWAY, this is Dylan, my mate!" Dylan smiled and re-wrapped his arm over Kayla's shoulder. "Dyl, this is Kalevala, or Kal, Kaleb, and Alice, Kal and Kaleb being my siblings and Alice being Kal's best friend. And apparently, this is Jamie, a new friend. Speaking of which, how long have you known each other?" Kayla asked.

        "Oh..." The 4 of us shared a look. "Um, just about a few days now, right?" Alice said. We all awkwardly smiled.

A/N: Sorry if this one seemed short too, it's more of a filler chapter to get to know everyone. That's why I updated with this one and the next chapter, so you don't only get a filler. 

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