OH NO...

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Kate's POV

As the man in front of me smirk all I could think was that I am going to die! I'd seen this movie before the innocent  girl gets raped and killed.. I just couldn't believe I was gonna be that girl. The man crouched down in front of me. As he did this I glared but his smirk never wavered. Suddenly he grabbed my chin making me look him in the eye. I could tell I'd have a bruise there later. While staring at me he grinned and look and the other man sitting across from us.

"She'll be worth a lot" said the asshole across from us.

"Hell ya she will" said the man holding my chin. "She's not only pure but a virgin, too. Its exactly what there looking for, Eh boss"

The "boss" didn't say anything just kept diving. A small part of my mind was keeping tabs on there conversation. Most of my thoughts were on how this would play out. The same words kept playing over in my head PURE, VIRGIN, WORTH A LOT!!



For one what the HELL did pure mean?! And VIRGIN how the eff did they know I was a virgin!!! This just gets creepier and creepier! But worth a lot were they planing to sell me?!?!

I had been caught up in my own thoughts to notice they had stopped talking. The man had let go of my chin and was just staring like he was thinking wat to do next. I didn't know if I should plead for mercy or just shut up. I decided to shut up. I watched him contemplate.

A big crease was forming in the middle of his forehead. A small smile started to form then it grew bigger and bigger until it was and ear to ear grin. He took a quick look at the "boss" and then grabbed my leg. Me being me tried to fight back I mean that's what you should do right? Calling the other man over he pinned my arms down. While he pinned my arms the other man spread my legs apart. This was what I had been afraid of I knew it was coming and I could do nothing... I struggled a few more times but to no avail. The two men started to chuckle. I held back tears not wanting them to get the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

I squeezed my eye shut not wanting to watch what was about to happen..

My heart was beating like a race horse...

Then I heard his pants hit the ground as his belt clanged against the floor and my heart stopped. In that moment my mind only understood one thing...

I  was about to be raped...

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