Forgive and Forget?

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Putting on his jacket which cover down to my mid thigh I sat on the edge of the bed not knowing what to do. I sat there while he stood there staring at me. We just stayed like this. I though about what this life was going to be like. And I didn't know if I liked it.


Kate's POV

Finally, Adam turned towards the door. Lifting his fist he hammer hard on the door. He did this for about a minute until giving up. Slowly turning around he pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down. He put his head in his hands and sat there. I stood up. Taking small, slow steps towards Adam. I sat in front of him and put my hand on his arm. When I did this his read snapped up. He looked at me then my neck. For a second I though he was going to bite me. Then he lifted his hand up to my neck he ripped off the ribbon. Then zipped up my or really his jacket. His hand went back to his sides.

Suddenly as if remembering something Adam shot up making me flinch back. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted someone.

Probably his girlfriend. I thought.

I lowered my head and stared at the floor. As I did so the door swung open and and someone walked in. Looking up I saw it was Tom and took a step back. He had a huge grin on, obviously proud of his son. He smacked Adam on the back saying,

"That's my boy!  Know don't you feel like a man?"

Adam didn't rely. But Tom didn't care just kept on with his little speech.

"Of course you do! Why wouldn't you?!? I so proud of you Adam!"

Tom kept on rambling but at some point I zoned out. I stood there with my head down.

I felt so dirty.

Not only as in hair, body, and clothes.

But me. As in I felt like a dirty object that was just owned.

While I had been in my own little world I hadn't noticed another person come into the room. But know as he stepped closer to me I jumped and looked at him. I looked a little like Adam but he was older. He had an unreadable expression on. He just stood there watching Tom and Adam. He watched as I watched.

He had a darker brown hair than Adam. It was more of Toms color. But his eyes were identical to Adams expect his held a certain air of mystery.

To soon I was being pulled out of the room by Adam. He almost jogged down the stairs into the kitchen. Where Selena was standing in front of the counter chopping something. Adam started asking questions and talking to his mother as soon as we reached the kitchen.

"Do you have any close for Kate? Where are they? Could she eat something she looks pretty hungry? Oh, and where is she sleeping? In my room.... A guest bedroom.... the couch??"

Without missing a beat his mother replied,

"Yes, there in the living room in a big bag. Yes, but she's yours not mine so its ultimately your decision. And if so there's lunch meat in the fridge. Again your human your decision. But I think you should keep her in your room."

The as way we came we left, at a brisk pace. Turning into the living room he grabbed a big bag and kept going to what I assumed was his room. I was a few door down from the one we had just been in. He opened the door as I checked the room out.

There was a king size four post bed in the room with a big flat screen on the wall across from it.

The colors were basically black and white. There was a few dark browns. The walls were white and the bed was black with a mahogany frame. There was even a big black couch.

On the right side of the room there were two doors. I assumed they went to the closet and bathroom. As I stood there in awe Adam smirked.

"Do you like it?" he chuckled

I nodded still looking. Gesturing towards the room he said,

"You know you can come in. I mean if you want or just stand there."

I blushed and walled in. Sitting on the bed Adam patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat next to him.

What do I even say? I thought.

Adam looked at me then pointed at one of  the doors saying,

"The bathrooms in there if you wana take a shower. While your in it I could get you something to eat."

I nodded and picked myself up walking into the bathroom. I took off my "clothes" AKA Adams jacket. Hopping in the shower I found all kinds of shampoo and conditioner. I decided to enjoy myself. When I was satisfied I got out rapping a big white fluffy towel tightly around me. Seeing a brush on the sink I grabbed it and started to brush my hair.

When I finally finished my stomic growled. Not just the normal little growl but the loud fierce one. That made me realize how hunger I really was. Unlocking the bathroom door I saw Adam laying on the bed with a huge plate of food on the coffee table. I raced towards the food totally forgetting I was in just a towel. I was sooo hunger and when the food caught my eye the knowledge of me being starved went to the front of my mind. As I scarfed down the food I heard Adam's soft chuckles. I turned then realized I was half naked and blushed furiously. Adam smirked and propped his head up on his elbows.

" I...uh was gonna ask you if uh...well... UGH... Is it good?" He stuttered.

I gave him a questioning look. His eyes flicked to the food on the plate.

"Oh ya it fine.... I.. uh... Thanks." I said shyly.

I finished my meal and Adam gave me one of his t-shirts, a pair of panties, and his boxers. I put them on and crawled into bed. He hesitated  then got in as well. We laid there face to face for awhile until I asked,

"Who was that guy that was in that  room we had been in?"

He didn't say anything for a bit then sighed saying,

"That was my older brother, Damien.. Stay away from him, please."

I nodded wondering why.

"You need to sleep, OK." Adam said

"Okay, night." I replied closing my eyes.

I laid there for a while. Then u heard Adam whisper,

"Please, Forgive me. I'm so sorry."

I slowly open my eyes and looked at him. He looked so sincere. I knew he would never intentionally do anything to harm me. I didn't even really know him but I knew that. So I had a decision to make forgive or hold the grudge. And I'd decided.

"I forgive you."

His face lit up and he kissed my forehead mumbling thank yous.

Soon after, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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