Eating or Feeding

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"I forgive you."

His face lit up and he kissed my forehead mumbling thank yous.

Soon after, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Adams POV

I felt so guilty for what I did to Kate. Then when my dad came in and started Congratulating  me my guilt doubled. So, when she took a shower

I decided to make her something to eat. I know it won't repay for what I did but its a start right? She came out in a towel but when she saw the food she attacked it like a wild animal. I had no clue she was that hungry.

After she ate I gave her some clothes then she lied down and I didn't know if I should get in bed or not. I decided it would be fine and if she didn't like it she'd tell me.

A few minutes later she asked me about Damien. He had come in the room was congratulating  me. He didn't say anything but should near Kate. That made me get a weird feeling almost like jealousy. I told her who Damien was and to stay away from him.

She started to fall asleep, but I couldn't loathing and hatred swirled inside of me for myself. How could I do this. I had to ask her yo forgive me.

" Please, Forgive me. I'm so sorry." I had whispered

I said it and I meant it. I could tell she knew it to and when she said I forgive you. I was so happy. I slept the best I had ever slept knowing she forgave me.

Kate's POV

( Next Morning)

I woke up with arms around me. I was sure as hell I hadn't fallen asleep like this. Opening my eyes I saw Adam underneath me. I was sprawled across him and his arms were around me waist. His eye slowly opened and he said in a deep sexy morning voice,

"Someone likes to cuddle."

He had this quirky grin on his face and I blushed crawling off him. I stood up groggily and walked towards the bathroom. 

When I came out Adam was still laying down on the bed. I plopped down next to him still half asleep. I unconsciously snuggled into Adams side and fell asleep again.

I woke up with a jolt because someone was banging on the door. Adam jumped up and I curled into the blankets with my knees up to my chin. Adam paused at the door right before opening it. he cracked it open and stuck his head out. As he did so a loud voice boomed,

"Do you know what time it is?!? And what took you so long to open the dam door!!!" 

I assumed it was Tom.

"Uhhhh I have no clue what time it is because I was SLEEPING!!" Adam yelled back.

"Don't raise your voice at me!!" Tom shouted.

"Whatever." Adam signed closing the door.

From the other side of the door Tom said,

"Get down here for breakfast!"

Adam looked at me and my atomic growled. It was a soft growl but it still meant I was hungry. He smiled and walked off to the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later just a towel around his waist. I couldn't help but stare. He had a really nice six pack and a very sexy V line. I guess I had been to scared before to notice his fine body. But know I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He smirked.

"You like what you see." he grinned wider.

I blushed profusely and looked down. I couldn't believe  he caught me starting. I probably looked like I was eye raping him or something.

"Its okay. I was just messing around with you." he said.

I heard him chuckle, then felt his fingers pull up my chin so that I was looking into his eyes.

We stayed like that for a few seconds but it felt like forever. He looked like he was about to say something but instead turned away. I watched wondering he was about to say.

After he had went into the bathroom to change thankfully he came out smiling.

"How bout breakfast. I bet your starving cause I know I am."

Adam said while motioning towards the door. I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. I stood there awkwardly while Adam rummaged through the fridge. He turned around and looked at me then his eyes slid behind me. I turned to see who I guess was Damien. I moved to the side inching a few steps towards Adam away from Damien. Damien smirked then pretty much pushed Adam out of the way and took over Adams spot, where he had been perusing. Damien quickly grabbed a big red bottle. Grabbing a glass he filled it to the brim with the read liquid. My mind didn't even register that it was blood. Someones blood. Damien took a big sip and put the glass down and leaning on the counter. Adam started to go for the big red bottle but Damien pushed it behind him saying,

"Nope sorry cant have any dads orders. He wants you to drink it fresh"

He nodded towards me then it clicked. I realized that that big red bottle was blood. And Adam couldn't have any he was suppose to have it fresh. FROM ME. I was scared. I'm not kidding I think this was the most scared I've been through my whole ordeal. My breathes started to come out in huffs and I started to shake. Standing there petrified I bet I looked like a deer in headlights. I carefully  took a step back but was blocked by something. I quickly turn around to see my escape plan was block by no other than Tom. I was more scared of Tom then Adam so hastily retreated towards him. Two steps into my retreat I was grabbed roughly and thrown back into the wall. I whispered in pain as my body impacted with the wall. Why did vampires have to be so rough? I was suddenly picked up off the floor with Tom having a firm grip on my arm.

"You will not walk away from me!"  he yelled while grabbing my chin roughly.

I could tell it would leave a bruise. Ripping my chin away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I snarled

That earned my a slap in the face and a hard one at that.

"Looks like you've got a feisty one. Ah Adam." Damien snickered.

I starred at Adam at a loss. He looked at me as if to say what can I do? I gave him pleading eyes. But still he did nothing. I watched as he looked at his feet to the blood on the table to me then his dad.

"I not going to drink from her." he said not very assertively.

I changed my gaze to my captor. He looked at me then at Adam saying,

"You will feed from her. Your a man know. DO IT!"

By the end he was almost screaming. I looked worriedly over at Adam before being trust into his arms.

"Do it know!" Tom said glaring at us.

"If you don't I bet dad will let me right." Damien said

Tom nodded. And Adam looked at me with sorry eyes as I starred at him with pleading ones. He slowly lowered his mouth towards my next. Trying to get out of his grip was almost impossible. As I stood there squirming I saw Adams fangs come out. Then suddenly I felt pain.


Sorry for not updating I've been working on another story called

Quitting isn't an Option

This is the description:

Matt always wanted to be a Secret Agent when he got the chance he took it, but one day he met a girl named Summer while he was in Florida on a mission. He fell in love with her and quit the Secret Service to have a life with her. Everything was perfect. They were married, Summer was pregnant, and they lived in a quaint little neighborhood, but one night changed everything. Because once your in the Secret Service your in it for life...

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