My new life

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Kate's POV

I whimpered as Tom grabbed my bruised wrist. He seemed to hear my whimper because he looked at me then saw all the bruises.

My wrists, the finger prints on my arms, and the one on my chin.

Letting go of my wrist, to my relief, and grabbed my elbow leading me out the door.

"Adam is just going to love her. This is the best birthday gift. I can't wait! You know Tom we should put a bow on her. I wonder what her name is?"  Selena said to Tom.

"Why don't you just ask her." said Tom.

Selena looked at me then to Tom then back to me. Tentatively, as if I were a scared puppy asked,

"What's your name sweety."

To frightened to answer I just stared at her. And she stared back. She repeated he question but I just kept on staring. Not knowing if I should lie or tell the truth. Suddenly, fast and hard hand came down on me with such force I was throw to the ground.

"You will answer my wife or who ever is speaking to you the first time they ask!!!!! NOW ANSWER HER!!!!" Tom shouted in my face.

I held back tears but my body trembled in fear. My voice shaking and scratchy from lack of water and use I said,

"M-my n-n-name is K-Kate." falling over my own words.

Smiling Tom said, "See now was that so hard."

I shook my head no. Satisfied with my answer Tom grabbed my arm and threw my into a car. I buckled myself then Selena came in the back and put the stupid bracelets on me then jumped in the front. The ride to where ever we were going was mostly silent other than when Selena and Tom started to whisper. I only caught snippets of there conversation. A "I can't believe" or "I know".  What I listened to the most was when Selena got a horrified look on her face looked at me then Tom and whispered,

"I cant believe you bought her just for that reason!"

Then Tom said, "Its fun why not. Adams turning seventeen and why can't he have a sex slave. "

WHAT! I thought. I though of all the horrid things that could be done if I was used for a sex slave for vampire men. Sucking all my blood. Beating me to death. Keeping me as a pet. I though of so many possibilities, but not the one thing that was going to happen...




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