The "great" escape

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Then I heard his pants hit the ground as his belt clanged against the floor and my heart stopped. In that moment my mind only understood one thing...

I  was about to be raped...


Kate's POV

I was hyper ventilating and scared out of my mind... I whimpered and right as I felt the bulge in between my legs the car screeched to a halt. And their boss was screaming at him to get off of me. I couldn't comprehend everything he said but I did catch

"She'll be worth less" , "You're such and idiotic ass" , and "If I have to come back here again you'all wish you were dead"

The whole car went into a complete silence and my arms were released. I slowly opened my eyes to see the rapist putting his pants on. Taking my chance I smashed myself in the corner of the van with my arms around my knees. After a few minutes of silence the rapist whined, 

" I was only teasing her. I was just having a little fun..."

Then he said under his breath in hatred and disgust, 

"I wasn't going to ruin your precious little merchandise.." 

He glanced over at me and smirked. While van fell silent again I made my escape plan. When they were distracted I'd jump out or I'd seduce  one and kick him and then run. Overall I really didn't have a plan but if u asked me...

Its simple.

One word.


As I thought and rethought my plan I noticed the rapist and his ass partner were falling asleep.

"This could be my chance," I thought

Crawling slowly on the ground which is not easy in heels I made my way towards the door. When I reached the door I slowly slid it open. All I could see was the speeding road beneath me. Finally getting the courage to jump I stood up and got ready to jump. But not before I felt hot breath on the back of my neck. Then there was a a voice in my ear,

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

The voice gave me chills it was the rapist. Before I could jump I was grabbed by the waist and the door was shut and locked. I was kicking and screaming and punching. I probably look like a dog that was starved tearing at a streak. I was pinned in seconds and a rag was put over my mouth. Then the rapist leaned down,

" Just breath you'll be asleep soon"

And with each breath my eye lids got heavier and heavier. Then it all went black.

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