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"No!!!" Abby screamed running to Adam.





Abby's POV:

I was in my bedroom playing with my dolls when I heard banding and screaming coming down from the kitchen.

I put my Barbie back on her bed and stood up grabbing Alfred. Alfred was my favorite stuff animal. He was all brown and floppy.

Slowly I opened the door and saw no one in the hall way. Closing it I walked to the stairs carefully holding the rail. I didn't wana fall.

Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs I say a really pretty lady smacked by Adam.

Adam would never do that on purpose. He was good not like Damon. I called Adams name and everyone looked at me.

Looking at the girl and then everyone my two brothers and daddy I held Alfred closer and put on my brave face saying,

"Adam, You... You can hit girls."

Adam ran over to me and picked me up saying,

" No no no Abby I didn't hit her it was an accident."

I gave him my 'I don't believe you' look saying,

"Nuhu I saw you hit her."

"No sweety. Its an accident." Adam tried to convince me

"Don't lie!" I yelled smacking his arm.

Setting me down I ran over and sat down next to the pretty lady.

"Are you okay.." I asked

"Ya thank you." She said smiling.

Her voice was is so pretty. I thought

I smiled and lifted my arms so she could put me on her lap.

She looked at me smiling then at my  bunny and said,

"So what's your bunnies name?"

I grin widely and happily replied,

" Oh this is Alfred."

I was so happy she liked Alfred. Adam liked him but Daddy and Damon didn't.

She then asked,

" So then you must be Abby hmmm.Well how do you know Adam."

I glanced at Adam before saying,

"Ya I'm Abby and Adams my big brother, but Damien's ever bigger."

Her smiling gaze went from Adam to me. When she moved her neck i saw two holes in her neck. I gasped and screamed,

"Oh no. Oh no. You have a booboo!" 

I pointed. She brushed her hair forward so that it would covered the bite marks. Jumping off her lap I  ran over to Daddy and raising my arms. Leaning down he picked me up and I said,

"Daddy, hurting people isn't nice."

He gave me a stern look then replied,

" No its not but she's a human and we are above them. And who told u that."

Making a pouting I said,

" No everybody is equal. No ones better. And Adam taught me that."

I finished smugly. Daddy put me down then bent down to my level saying in a stern voice,

"Listen. We are better than them. They are only here to cater to us."

"No!!!" I screamed then ran to Adam.

Kates POV:

We all stayed where we were for a second then Selena came in. She gasped looking at me then Abby saying,

"Oh my goodness! Abby come here darling."

Abby looked at her then me then Adam and grabbed Adams leg saying,

"No I don't wana go."

Selena gave an angry face saying,

"Come here now!"

Clinging to Adam for dear life she said no once more.

Then Selena broke yelling,

"Abby Marie get over here now. I'm not going to repeat myself!"

Abby just stood there not making a move towards her mother.

This infuriated Selena. She stalked over towards Abby and grabbed her wrist saying.

"Know you get a time out."

Screaming no Abby ripped out of her grasp and stood behind Adam. Then she said something that stopped Selena in her tracks.

"You can't tell me what to do your not my mother!"

She gasped then looked at Adam.

"She's right your not. And dont touch her." Adam said fearlessly






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