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Tom nodded. And Adam looked at me with sorry eyes as I starred at him with pleading ones. He slowly lowered his mouth towards my neck. Trying to get out of his grip was almost impossible. As I stood there squirming I saw Adams fangs come out. Then suddenly I felt pain.


Kate's POV:

I screamed and yelled crying out. No one came to help me. They all stood there watching. I could feel the blood being sucked out of me. Crying and screaming harder I grew limp. I didn't have enough strength to hold myself up. When would he stop? My screams turned into whimpers. Then I quietly said in a broke voice,

"Stop... Please ...."

I looked at Tom and he shook his head as to say no. Then suddenly Tom grabbed me out of Adams warm grasp. He held me almost by the neck and yelled,

"We don't like begging in this house right son."  looking over at Adam

Adam nodded and mumbled something.  I was then trust back into Adams arms. I felt like a rag doll. Adam held me tight and I felt safe. Then when I heard what the next thing Tom said,

" Slap her know Adam show her who's in charge."

Quivering I looked at Adam. I could tell he didn't want to hurt me. He look at his dad then at his brother then lastly me. We both knew I he didn't then Tom or Damien would do it.

So he looked at me again and mouthed 'Im sorry' then slapped me hard. At the same time I felt the pain of the slap there a little voice. I slammed to the floor hard with a big thud. It hurt like hell.

My eyes prick and tears almost came out. I felt a lump on my head and pulled it back I saw blood. Then hearing the small voice again I looked over to see the little girl. She was about three and had a little bunny in her arms. She looked at me then at the people behind me and said in her cute little voice,

"Adam, You... You can hit girls."

Adam ran over to her and picked her up saying,

" No no no Abby I didn't hit her it was an accident."

She gave him a look saying,

"Nuhu I saw you hit her."

"No sweety. Its an accident." Adam tried to convince her

"Don't lie!" She practically yelled smacking his arm.

Setting her down she ran to me and sat down.

"Are you okay.." She asked

"Ya thank you." I said smiling

She smiled and lifted her arms up for me to pick her up. So since I was sitting I pulled her up on to my lap. I didn't want to scare the girl by seeing the blood so I covered it with my hair and tied to seem strong so that she wouldn't be alarmed.

I looked at her smiling then at her bunny and said,

"So what's your bunnies name?"

He grin widened and she enthusiastically replied,

" Oh this is Alfred."

She made me smile and I then asked,

" So then you must be Abby hmmm.Well how do you know Adam."

She glanced at Adam before saying,

"Ya I'm Abby and Adams my big brother, but Damien's ever bigger."

Half smiling I looked at Adam then back at Abby. Before I could keep our conversation going Abby gasped and practically screamed,

"Oh no. Oh no. You have a booboo!" 

I looked as she pointed to the two holes in my neck. I brushed my hair forward so they covered the bite marks. Jumping off my lap she ran over to Tom raising her arms. Leaning down he picked her up and she said,

"Daddy, hurting people isn't nice."

He gave her a stern look then replied,

" No its not but she's a human and we are above them. And who told u that."

Making a pouting face she said,

" No everybody is equal. No ones better. And Adam taught me that."

Finishing she had smug look on her face. Tom put her down then bent to her level saying in a stern voice,

"Listen. We are better than them. They are only here to cater to us."

"No!!!" Abby screamed running to Adam.

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