A/N: So I wrote a couple of chapters a while ago and I might just post em all now... Get this thing started...

*Two hours later*

The music was still booming.

Half a dozen shots and other drinks Dan couldn't name swirled in his system and he and Phil continued chatting away to one another, as if neither of them were able to stop finding out about one another, and truth be told, they weren't.

The song switched to 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran, and the crowd of fellow messes continued their dancing under the flashing lights. Phil's eyes lit up, 'Oo its his new stuff! Have you heard it? This song is AMAZING!' and he tanged his fingers with Dans, which, for some odd reason, sent a shiver through his spine, and he had never been aware of body contact so much before. Dan stared down, as best as he could in his intoxicated state, at the linked hands, as Phil began pulling him further towards the dance floor.

Dan was reluctant to allow himself to dance, to break his usual moody and bad-boy demeanour and let go to the song booming away, but he stared at Phil and all reasoning evaporated like the steam in the air. Phil's jet black hair was sticking slightly to his forehead, and Dan couldn't help the sudden urge to brush it gently away from his glistening eyes. Phil sang along with the words, his pink and soft-looking lips forming every word perfectly.

Say, boy, let's not talk too much

Grab on my waist and put that body on me

Phil's hands clasped quickly behind Dan's neck, getting rid of any previous personal space that Dan was maintaining. He was all of a sudden very aware of the two boys proximity, and how the warmth off of Phil was transferring to himself with every sway of his hips that Dan was now able to feel moving to the beat against his own and-

Dan swallowed harshly.

Come on now, follow my lead

Come, come on now, follow my lead

Dan gave in and began to sway along with Phil and the beat of the song, quickly becoming a sweaty, drunk mess like the other, laughing for what felt the first time in... He couldn't remember when.

I'm in love with the shape of you

We push and pull like a magnet do

Hands began to rome, thoughts got muddled in an intoxicated haze, the two boys blending in within the crowd as Dan took in every inch of Phil, both through sight and the occasional touch. Phil's breath was only inches away from Dan's face, his eyes fluttering half closed and Dan could barely control himself as the song continued in their ears...

Leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat

Tell the driver make the radio play

After a few more songs, Dan found himself in an Uber, hand interlocked with Phils. The cold night air had managed to sober him up relatively quickly, making him all too aware of the tease that Phil was being at the side of him. He would talk about nothing in particular, making sure to have his face as close to Dan's ear as possible, mocking him as he then pulled away before going any further.

God Damn. Howell thought. Let me kiss you for fuck sake.

And last night you were in my room

And now my bedsheets smell like you

The next thing Dan remembered was Phil's kisses on his neck which, as he knew it would, caused him to become a wriggling mess as he lay there on a slightly-too-small couch, embraced in this amazing being he hardly knew.

A/N: Hope you liked it... :) 

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