Chapter 12

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Abbie's POV

I sat there waiting. I listened for the sound of foot steps, for the next victim. I heard heavy breathing coming closer and the sound of light taps on the ground. I gripped onto my weapon and slowly began to stand up. I looked around the wall to see nothing, when I turned back there I saw him evilly grinning at me with a gun pointed to my chest.

"Any last words miss Abigail?" He menacingly laughed.

"Yes.....DIEEEE." I pulled the trigger quickly. His face turned to shock as he grabbed his chest.

"Well.....played." He pretended to gasp for air and feel to his knees.

I rolled my eyes at him and started to laugh.

"Ok drama queen lets go." I said putting my hand out to help him up.

He grinned at me and took my hand. I shook my head and pulled my hand away as it started to tingle again. That's odd. Geesh, why does that keep happening?

"So whatcha wanna do now?" I asked as we skipped out of the lazer tag arena.

"Preferably not skip, thanks Gale." I shot him a look at his old nickname for me but he just grinned.

"I'm actually really tired." I yawned.

"It's only 9!"

"Yeah well I get tired sometimes, okay!"

"Pfft, sometimes, yeah sure." He mumbled as he linked are arms again.

I surprises me at how he is acting like nothing has happened, as if we are still 16 back in Mullingar. Well I have to give the boy credit for trying at least. I mean yes I don't hate him anymore and yes I consider him my best friend again but that doesn't mean that the slate is clean.

"Can we go for a walk first?" I looked up at him to see him chewing on his nails.

"Uh, I guess." I replied back awkwardly.

We walked along on opposite sides of the side walk looking out onto the water near the pier. I sigh and lie down on the ground, Niall following suit.

"They're so beautiful." We say in unison.

I laugh softly and turn to look at the side of his face.

"We are like one person." I laugh.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Just like it used to be." Both our smiles fade.

I look back at the sky and shake my head.

"But it can't ever be like it used to be, can it?"

He sighed his eyes piercing into my cheeks.

"Why not?".

I take a deep breath and getting up quickly.

"You don't see do you? That while you were out living the dream I sat on my own at lunch, I walked home alone, I never went out on the weekends, I was alone Niall, I had no one that was there for me."

His face fell and his eyes flashed with guilt.

"No you don't. Because when you are all living big being dainty, you think that the rest of the world is too. That isn't how things work Niall."

"Well I'm sorry that I can't be happy."

"So you weren't happy with me, is that it? Am I not good enough for you?"

"That's not what I said, don't twist my words."

"Yes the words I heard oh so much these past three years."

"Why won't you listen, I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry that I left you for three years, three years that you can't get back. I'm sorry that I left you alone. I'm sorry that after all this time I never told you how much you really meant to me. I'm sorry that we even got in this mess in the first place. I'm sorry that I am possibly the worst best friend in whole world. I'm sorry that I thought I could fix this so easily. I'm sorry that I keep making it worse. I'm sorry that everything that we have ever fought about is my fault, even if it isn't, it probably is. I'm just so sorry Abs."

I take a step back and run my hand through my hair.

He said sorry, just forgive him and get married already.

Now is really not the time for that.

"I just need to think about this."

"Take all the time you need."

There he goes again.




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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