Chapter 5

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Abbie's POV

It's been exactly 2 weeks since we left London. We have stayed in 3 almost 4 cities since then, the boys going on stage most nights, me making the food for the snack table, those boys eat A LOT.

In these few weeks Niall and I have kept our distance only speaking to each other when he wants food, so I have been speaking to him more than I would've liked. When he asks for food it's usually shy or reluctant, and I usually only nod or reply with one word sentences.

I have gotten to know the boys fairly quickly, but it still startles me when Louis comes in and shout at random times of the day. Louis and I have become quite good friends in these past few weeks too.

Today we are leaving to the next city and don't ask me where that is because I haven't been paying any attention what so ever. So if they kicked me out of the bus the chances are that I would never find my way home.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch texting Grace while Zayn, Harry, Liam and Niall play video games.

"Hey Abs, who you texting? Is it your boyfriend?" Louis said sitting down next to me.

I looked up and saw the boys had paused their video game, all looking expectantly at me, except Niall he just looked down at the remote looking a bit sad.

Sad? Why would Niall Horan be sad?

Or maybe it was just the light. I looked away from the boys and looked back at my phone. Rolling my eyes.

"Come on Abs tell us the gossip!" Harry said trying his best to sound girly but failing miserably.

"For you information Harold, I'm texting Grace," I said matter of factly, as all the boys looked at the blushing Harry, holding in laughter.

"What is this," I ask,"Does Harry Styles have a crush on Grace?!"

Harry looked down still blushing.

"YESSSS!!!" All the boys including Niall yelled.

"Aww that's so cute," I say giggling.

Harry looked up and hit all the boys and slowly made his way towards me.

"Harry what are yo-" I was cut off by a large hand tickling my sides.

"Harry- stop- please," I said in between laughs.

"If you tell her I will tickle the living day lights out of you, understand?" Harry said trying to sound serious.

"Yes- I- understand," I said, and with that he released me and sat back down.

After I settled down my breathing the boys had turned off the tv and in a conversation of what to do now.

"Hey lets play truth or dare," Zayn suggested, I was taken aback at the fact that he can actually talk.

Typical, truth or dare, really?

All the boys agreed and now we are playing truth or dare. Great.

"Harry truth or dare," Zayn said.

"Dare," Harry shrugged.

"Hmmm, I dare you to call Grace," Zayn said cheekily.

Harry sighed and pulled out his phone and dialled Grace's number. Putting it in speaker.

"Hey Grace," Harry said shyly.

"Oh hey Harry. What's up?" Grace responded through the phone.

"Oh I was just wondering.... What colour do you think suits me best?" Everyone bursted out laughing at Harry response.

"Oh sorry Grace I got to go but I'll speak to you later, yeah?"

"Ok then, bye Harry".

Harry ended the call and looked at us.

"I hate you all," He glared at us.

"NO YOU DON'T YOU LOVE US," Louis screamed, I flinched at his sudden outburst.

Yup, never gonna get used to that.

"Niall truth or dare," I looked at Niall he was looking at me, he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Hmm, what?" He snapped out of his trance.

"Truth or dare" Harry repeated again.

"Huh, oh truth," He said looking at Harry.

"What have you been thinking about for the past few week? Ever since tour started you've been in own little world," Harry asked curiously.

Niall took a deep breath.

"I've been thinking about how much I messed up." He looked at me, sadness in his beautiful blues eyes.

Even though he didn't say what he messed up, I know it was about me, about us.

The boys looked at him then to me confused.

"Well I think we both knew that," I spoke up still looking him straight in the eye, this is the longest conversation we have had in the past four years.

"I'm sorry Ab's, I should've came back and visited but I was afraid you would hate me."

"Niall the fact that you didn't visit made me hate you!" I said my voice rising.

"Are we missing something," Liam asked still looking confused.

Ignoring him Niall went on.

"I was an idiot Abbie, when I said forever I honestly meant it."

"But you have wasted three years of forever Niall, don't you thinks its weird how if you didn't forget about me-"

"I never forgot about you," Niall said cutting me off his voice rising.

"- if you didn't forget about me I would be here with you now, but you did, but I'm still bloody here!"

"Well maybe it's God giving me another chance," Niall said softer than before.

"You're going to try awfully hard for that second chance then Nialler because what you did hurt. You left me without calling or visiting. No communication, this is the first real conversation I have had with you in the past three years, and that hurts Niall!" I yelled at him tears brimming my eyes and his.

"I'm sorry," he barely whispered.

"Prove it," I whispers back.

And with that I got up and left the boys all still confused and Niall sad.

He hurt me and its going to take a lot more than just sorry to make it better.

Forever! He doesn't know the meaning of forever!




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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