Chapter 25

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Abbie's POV

Is this real?

Pinch me.

That's not really on the telly right now, is it?

I really hope I'm just seeing things.

How do you feel about this?


This is what went through my mind the moment the daily gossip news came on this morning.

'Niall Horan and mystery blonde take a night out on the town'. When I heard this my heart immediately sunk. I don't know why it sank but hearing that just suddenly made me feel sick. Niall hadn't mentioned anything about a girl.

I should be happy I guess, my best friend finally got a girlfriend. But I'm not I'm quite the opposite of happy right now. He didn't even say I met someone today.

Ok calm, down.


Okay, okay, okay. I rub my hands over my face a few times trying to clear my mind. That didn't work, it resulted in tears.

Stop crying, stop.


I will call him yeah he will clear my head. I lean over to the coffee table to get my phone and dial his number that is stuck in my brain. As it rings I tap my foot nervously.

He picks up.

"Hello? Abs?" I breath out heavily.

"Hey Ni." I hear him sigh.

"So you saw it?" He knows everything I swear.

"Yeah." I exhale.

"She is-" He gets cut off by someone in the background.

"Niallerrrrrrr are you coming the reservations are at eleven." He grunts.

"So that's your new girlfriend?" I didn't mean for it to come out so angry.


"Niall you could have just told me it's oka-"

"Abbie." He tries to cut me off but I keep talking.

"Really Niall it's fine I swear." I say as happy as a can be.

"Abbie she is-"

"Niall!" A high voice yelled.

"I have to go."

"No it's fine you go have fun with your new friend it's ok. I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm okay."

"One more and I'll believe you."

"Bye Niall."

I hang up and drop the phone. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like my heart has been ripped out. He's my best friend!

You love him.

That's always how these things end isn't it. God, I don't want to fall in love with him.

You already have.

No, he has a girlfriend now I can't love him. Why did this have to happen?

You knew that. Why do you think you forgave him so easily? Why do you think that you stopped hating him the moment you saw him again? Abbie you are in love with him.

I don't want to be. Before he went away he was my only source of happiness. He made me feel like everything was okay. Then he left and everything sort of just hit the ground and broke. If I fall hopelessly in love with him, how do I know that he is going to catch me?

He is your best friend, he has caught you before.

I tucked my legs into my chest and grabbed my phone again, decoding I should talk to someone about this. But because my only friends are in the same place Niall is I decide to call my mother.

I rings for awhile. I hope she picks up because I haven't spoken to my mother for a long time.

"Hello?" I take a deep breath.

"Hi mum." She gasps and sounds like she's going to cry.

"Mum please don't cry."

"I'm not." She cried.

"How are you sweetie?"

"I found Niall." She goes silent then shrieks.

"How is he? Have you two made up? Have you spoken to Niall's mother lately because she is awfully worried, hang on let me run across to her house." I laugh a bit as I hear my mothers heavy breathing as she rubs across the road to that old house.

I hear talking on the other end and then a few shrieks, then some crying then some deep breaths.

"Abbie?" I haven't heard that voice in so long.

"Hi, Maura" She starts crying.

"How are you dear?" I sigh.

"That's why I called."

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mum says, they must have it on speaker phone.

"It's about Niall."

"What has my son done this time to hurt you?" Maura said angrily.

"Nothing, well not much but that's not the point."

"Get on with it then." Another voice that I missed came into the room.

"Hi Greg."

"Hey Abs, now get on with it." I chuckle a bit then remind myself if what I was about to say.

"I think I'm in love with Niall."

"That's it?"

"You made a very expensive just to tell us something we already knew?" Thanks Greggy.

"Yeah well- wait you already- what?"

"Abigail Jacobs you left you cried for a week after he left. No one else could be around him without you getting upset. You spent all your time with him. You never even had a crush on any other boy. If you do not know that is love then you need to learn a few things." I miss my mum.

"Yeah well he has a girlfriend now, what's the point?"

"Abbie don't ever tell Niall I said this but after you left he called every night to see if you had come home. He was close to tears at the end of each and every one of those calls. He never stopped calling until a few months ago. He started again last week though. He told me about you and everything that had happened. He said that he shouldn't have let you go again. And you two are so oblivious that you didn't realise what was going on. I'm pretty sure all of those boys knew."

"So what do I do now?" I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Tell him sweetie."

"Oh and tell the little arse that if he hurts you I will hurt him."









Well giving you an extra long chapter (longer than all the other ones any way) is my way of saying this book is shit and I'm ending it pretty soon so hope you guys enjoy OH AND THANK YOU FOR READING IT AND GETTING IT TO LIKE 1.2K READS IT MEANS A LOT TO ME.




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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