Chapter 8

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Abbie's POV

It's been a week since Niall and I pleasantly talked. Its going well I'm glad that we are friends again, even though I wont ever admit that to him. It's weird though because ever since that night on the bus the voices have stopped.

I know it sounds completely insane but they have. I guess it's not that surprising because they started when I realised that he left me. But since that night I've had a sense of protection that I only ever had with Niall. I felt happy again.

The next three days are the boys days off. So that means Liam is gone to see his girlfriend, Zayn has gone to see his girlfriend, Louis' gone to see his girlfriend, Harry has gone "exploring" and Niall stayed here on the bus.

So now Niall and I are sitting in the kitchen staring at things that aren't each others. Don't get me wrong I'm happy we made up, sorta, but it's still a bit awkward.

I found myself staring at the kettle and tapping my nails and humming to some beat that has been stuck in my head for the last few days.

"Do you remember that song we used to sing when we were little?" I looked over to see Niall smirking over at me.

"The chicken song?" I laughed as the memories of us sing at the top our lungs outside his house came flooding back.

He chuckled and started singing it softly and then start belting the song out.

I don't want to be a chicken

I don't want to be a duck

So I shake my butt



I covered my ears and started laughing as he got up and started dancing around.

"NIALL!" I yelled so he could hear me.

He stopped dancing and turned around to face me, a huge grin overtaking his mouth.

"Yess." He sang tilting his head.

"Could you stop please." I laughed.

"Maybe, it depends." He said his grin turning into a smirk again.

"On what." I sighed knowing it wasn't going to be good.

"I'll only stop if you come get ice cream with me." He smiled batting his eyes at me.

Same old Niall always wanting food as his compromises.

"Fine, if it means you stop being a loony bird." I stuck my tongue out at him getting my jacket.

"Loony bird?" He said laughed as we walked off the bus.

"Yes loony bird." I confirmed.

"Okay then, if that's your best comeback." He mumbled the last bit.

I shook my head at him, failing to hold back a smile.

The walk to the ice cream shop was silent but I was happy to be in Niall's company again.

"I missed you." Niall said as we sat down at the park bench across from the shop.

"I missed you too Niall." I said looking up at him, chuckling at the ice cream on his cheek.

I reached up and wiped it off. As soon as my hand touched his skin it started tingling. I pulled away quickly as looked away covering up the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"T-thanks." He said looking down at his shoes.

I nervously laughed and got up putting my hand out to pull him up. That was a bad idea. My hand started tingling again. We both pulled away this time and looked away.

"So wanna go back to the bus and watch a movie or something?" Niall said after a few seconds.


We started walking back to the bus this time the silence being uncomfortable.

"So what movie?" He looked over to me.

"Finding Nemo?"

He smiled and then shook his head looking amused.

"You haven't changed one bit."

We ended up watching five movies that were all Disney which were Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3 and Brave.

By the fifth movie Niall had gone completely bonkers saying things like,

"Look Ab's your on the telly."

"Look Ab's you can shoot really well, I hope ya don't shoot me while I'm sleeping."

"Look Ab's ya mum's a bear."

It was the best time I have, had in years. I missed having these times with Niall. But it just makes me wonder what it would of been like if he never left me behind in the first place.

"Hey Ab's?"


"I'd fight for your hand in marriage any day, and I promise you that I will do anything to win." He yawned and fell asleep on my shoulder.

I looked down at Niall and smiled at what he just said. He probably didn't even realise what he just said, I mean it's after midnight and he was very tired.

I pushed the thoughts aside and drifted off leaning on his head.

I'm happy I have him back, I missed him so much. But he still needs to prove that he's sorry, although right now I couldn't care less.

Be nice
Love you
Stay cool

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