Chapter 13

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Abbie's POV

"Boys!" Grace rolled her eyes throwing her hands up in the air.

I laughed at her reaction, I just told her what happen with Niall the other night. She sat there for a good minute shaking her head, I just laughed her. The boys break is over and yesterday I complete ignored Niall even though he tried very hard to talk to me. Grace and I are catching up while the boys are at sound check for the concert tonight. Speaking of tonight I need to get the food ready.

"Shit, I need to get to work, I will see you later tonight." I said, quickly standing up.

"Okay don't poison young Nialler." She called after me as a ran out of the room.

I chuckled shaking my head running to the kitchen, not really paying attention. I was almost there when a door opened suddenly. I held my head as my butt hit the ground painfully. I looked up to see someone standing in front of me looking worried.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." His Australian accent clear with guilt, as he put his hand out for me to take.

"That's okay, I love getting hit with doors that open outwards. It's like my favourite thing ever." I said taking his hand and putting my other hand on my head.

"Yeah they are pretty inconvenient aren't they." He laughed.

I laughed too, remembering why I was running.

"I'm sorry but i have to get back to my job or else I might get sacked, I might bump into you later, yeah?" I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Ha ha, yeah bye." He waved at me before walking the other way.

Niall's POV

I walked off stage to go see if I could find some food without running into Abbie, she is still a bit upset.


Okay. She is still extremely mad. Happy now?

Yes, quite.

stupid voices

What was that?

Nothing, nothing, don't you worry that pretty little voice box that has a mind of its own, at the back of my head.

Does everyone have these voices inside their heads?

Just the crazy ones.

Great that's reassuring, isn't it!

You know a lot of crazy people though.


I rolled my eyes at my head and walked towards the kitchen when I heard a bang I ran around the corner to see Abbie on the ground. I was about to go and help her up when Ashton came out from behind the door. I stayed behind the corner and waited until they were gone. I felt something while they were talking that felt liked jealousy, but that is stupid because they were just talking it wasnt like they were flirting or anything like that. I waited until Ash passed me then I tiptoed in to the kitchen to find Abbie with her back facing me. I ducked behind the counted and tried to stay hidden.

"Niall get out of the kitchen." Dammit.

I stood up to see Abbie in the same places as when I came in with her back facing me.

"How did yo-"

"I practically lived with you most of my life, do you really think I wouldn't know who it was if somebody was so desperate for food the hid behind the counter?" She said turning around, crossing her arms.

I put my hands in the air for surrender. She shook her head and turned back around. Plopping myself down on the chair at the counter I watched her cook.

"Niall." I looked at her waiting for her to continue.

She hesitated looking as though she was debating with herself. Maybe she was crazy too.

"Please can you let me be." It looked like she had won the battle and the voices in her head were being sore losers because after she had a satisfied look on her face it soon turned into on of annoyance.

"Okay well if you need anyone to taste test be sure to get me." I said walking towards the door.

"I won't." She called over her shoulder with her back faced to me again.

"Sure." I shouted as I walked down the hallway.

"Fine!" I heard her shout back.

"Fine." I said to myself and made my way back to the stage.




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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