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Abbie's POV

So in the end maybe forever is just the time we have.

In a relationship.

In life.

Forever might last for a week. It might last for a year. It might last until the day we die.

But maybe that's the point of forever, as long as you've got.

And the promises we make that are based on forever can never really be for-filled, because when we say forever we say it thinking eternally but that's too far out of anyone's league not to be an empty promise.

But I know I'm with Niall now, and forever is as long as I've got 'till the day I die. And we may have wasted a few years of our forever but I know there's always time to start again.

So, forever I promise.

It's an empty promise that I am determined to keep.

I wanted to clear things up in Abbie's point of view cause, why the hell not? Right? Okay thanks you guys for reading sorry I tricked you into think it was over but now it is :-).




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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