Chapter 20

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Abbie's POV

I sighed leaning against the door. Niall drains a lot of energy from me. He is always taking up my day, even when he's not around. I am glad I have him in my life, without him I could have died in that fire.

I shake myself out of my trance once I decide I had been standing there to long. I shift my weight onto my feet instead of the door and start walking towards 'The Hang out Room' which was actually Harry's Room but everyone else thought it was a good idea to hang out in there, hence 'The Hang Out Room'. I knock on the door and Zayn answers.

"Heyy babe. How are you feeling?" He said letting me in.

"Better I mean I could be better, I technically just lost my job and I have to leave you guys tomorrow." I said plonking down next to Ashton and Calum.

Zayn nodded and went into the room I suspect Harry is because he wasn't sitting down in his usual seat.

"I wish you didn't have to go." Calum said as he and Ash tackled me in a hug. I wince in pain when they squish my arm. They both mutter a sorry and only move just enough that my arm is out of the way and then squeeze me tighter. I laugh as they both start making sounds like whimpering puppies when someone gets out of the car to go get some groceries. While they were making animal noises Luke, Michael and Louis walk into the living room see us in the pile and decide it would be fun to join.

They are careful not to smoosh my arm this time so that is good but there seemed to be a very large pile of boy on top of me that if they did not move soon would gradually start looking like a mountain of people hugging my left arm.

"Guys." I whine after a few minutes but somebody pats my face telling me to shut up.

"Please I think you are actually crushing my bones." I croak.

Finally the weight is lifted off me and I can breathe again.

"What about Niall?" Louis said sitting cross legged on the couch across from me.

"What about him?"

"Did she really just say that." Luke commented.

"Are you really just going to leave him just like that?" Harry said coming in with Zayn and Liam, wow everyone was there.

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Stay here?" Michael said trying to convince me. It wasn't very convincing.

"Guys I can't. You know I can't. I need to get money and I'm not letting you guys pay for me." I said, Liam shut his mouth.

"I don't want to be sad again." Liam whispered.

I tried to ignore that because as much as it pained me to actually admit it I would be sad again too. Niall was the only thing I had that was close enough to be called my family. I already lost him once I didn't handle that quite well but now I was the one leaving him. I don't want to think how much pain it would put him through.

You'll see him again.

Yeah well when is again because last time you said 'again' I had to wait 3 years.

He is going to miss you too.

I don't doubt that he will.

Oh Abigail you have know idea how much he missed you last time.

I can always call. I mean it's not like I have no contact with him.

He's busy. He can't always just call you up when he has time. He doesn't have much of it these days.

Yeah don't remind me.

"Any way guys I came to say goodbye. I'm going to miss you all, yeah." I said getting up to hug each of them.

"Keep on wearing those beanies Calum." I chuckled.

"Ash keep me updated on Mikey's hair will you." He giggled.

"Mike keep me updated on Ashton's laugh." They both chuckled.

"Luke stop growing." He frowned. "And tell Eliza I said hi, because it seems you are always talking to her." He perked up again at the sound of Eliza's name.

"Lou tell Harry to get some new jokes." Harry said something about being offended but Louis just shook his head at him.

"And Harry stop with the bandanas seriously." He stuck out his bottom lip. "Oh and the next time I see you, you and Grace better be all lovey dovey."

"Zayn keep the hair healthy." He grinned.

"And Liam take care of these boys." He smiled at me, "Make sure the don't eat too much." I kinda loudly whispered which resulted in a lot of 'Hey's' and 'Don't tell me what to do's'.

I waved at them with my good arm before going towards the door. Before it shut I popped my head back in.


"WE LOVE YOU TOO ABBIE!" They called back.

I shut the door and went off to say my farewells to everyone else I had befriended on the tour. I was leaving tomorrow. I quite possibly might never see theses people again. I don't think I'm ready for that.




So this chapter is a bit longer but I had to for in all the goodbyes and stuff. I didn't really want to go straight to her leaving because that's boring and this story is already boring so I didn't want to make it even more boring.

Ya feel me?

Of course you do.




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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