Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

Do you ever get that feeling where you feel like you are just empty inside? I do, well at least I did. It's like Abbie took up everything in my life and without her I just felt drained. She was there, she knew everything about me. She saw me at my darkest and best times. She was my angel basically. Everything I ever did or thought, she would know it before I did. Every sentence that came out if my mouth was already had a response. Every action I ever did she would react before I could even begin.

She was my best friend when I lost her I felt like pretty much half of me had been ripped out and never fully been replaced. But now she's back in my life, whether it's for good or not I'm not quite sure, I don't think I'll ever be sure of that. But she here with me and I feel complete.

"Stop thinking so hard." She mumbles as she looks me straight in the eye.

"I can't help it. I have a lot of thoughts that need to be thought." I responded looking straight back.

"I have to go get the food ready!" She jumps up after looking at the clock above my head.

"MAKE ME SOME COOKIES!" I yell after her.

"MAKE YOUR OWN COOKIES!" I chuckled to myself at her response.

Abbie's POV

As I was running down the hall I run into something or rather someone. Cursing myself at my clumsiness, and muttering that I really should stop running down these halls, I look up to see Louis grinning at me.

"Oh sorry Lou I seem to have a tendency of running into people." I apologise.

"So I hear." He laughed.

I look at him trying to decipher what that meant but then I remembered I have a job to do.

"We will finish this conversation later." I say already walking away from him, not waiting for a reply.

Niall's POV

I have been lying here for what seems like hours wondering what to do with myself to pass the time.

You could go for a run. I think you need one.

Can you just not.

Ah no.

Bloody hell can you just leave me alone for one day!

Thank you.

I decide that I'm hungry (AN-my friend (i don't have friends pfft)called me a carrot because I said he was hungry, like who isn't hungry all the time c'mon man),so I get up to go find Abbie.

As I got closer to the kitchen I hear a faint beeping noise, picking up my pace I get to the closed door with something that resembled smoke coming out of the bottom. I quickly start panicking and banging on the door.

"Ab's, ABBIE ARE YOU IN THERE ARE YOU OKAY!" I yell over the loud banging I'm producing.

"NIALL PLEASE I'M LOCKED IN AND THE STOVE CAUGHT FIRE!" I hear her scream from behind the door.

"I'M COMING AB'S HAND IN THERE ILL BE RIGHT BACK!" I turn and run to the nearest fire extinguisher ignoring the crowd that had formed at near the door. The only thing on my mind was to get Abbie out of there. I don't care what it will take to do that.

"STAND BACK!" I yell before breaking the door down into the room filled with fire and smoke.

I immediately run in and squint to see Abbie coughing in the corner of the room crouched into a ball. I quickly make my way towards her trying my best to avoid the fire. She looks scared, the expression on her face is stunned and scared. She looks like she might lose consciousness, I can't let that happen, she can't get hurt, I can't loose her. I pick her up and run straight out the door to safety. As soon as I get out I slide down the wall, Abbie still in my arms. I stare at her lying there.

"Abbie?" I barely whisper.

"Yeah." Her voice cracks.

"Don't leave me." I say as her the edges of her mouth lift up slightly then drop.

"Never." Her voice is hardly even there anymore.

The paramedics have difficulty getting her out my grip but eventually I give up but warn them to keep her safe, after they have reassured me multiple times that they would I let them take her.

She'll be safe. She will.




Be nice

Love you

Stay cool

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