Finding Roan

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Chapter 19

 Finding Roan would indeed turn out to be a long shot, but going to Amalain was of course the only real direction that was possible to go to. I honestly had no clue if we would actually find them in Amalain, but even if we arrived we would find one of them dead for sure. Obviously I doubted Roan would be the one we found dead, but if he wasn't in Amalain then we would have problems meeting back with him. Without all of the fated warriors I wasn't sure if I could continue on my quest to stop my father, Ilorten died without truly explaining it all to me. Though I knew his death wasn't my fault, the pain of his death still lingered in my mind and heart. I wish he could have lived only a while longer to tell me more about myself and everything that was possible with the stone and my ability to see the future. He never seemed to want to explain that to me. He always told me I would find out on my own accord, but I still couldn't make sense of all the futures I see. All of these futures aren't good and I wonder if they could possibly be the one I am going towards, but with each good ending I see there is five terrible ones. Several of these futures show me dying by somebodies hand, whether it be a simple beast or one of my brothers. Either way the future seems like a grim one and I promised Amicia that we would make the world better together. With that thought I was brought out of my mind and only then noticed I was the only one left at the campfire we had made. Everybody had gone to sleep without me, I assume that they saw me deep in thought and didn't disturb me. Getting up I slowly lightened the blazing flames of our fire and walked around the small camp to check on things. Walking by Amicia's tent I noticed it was open, giving a glance into it I saw her sleeping peacefully. Her breaths coming out smoothly and calmly, she looked like an angel in her sleep. The fire making her seemingly glow in the darkness, which only highlighted her true beauty. I knew my feelings for her aren't lust, but just the thought of loving her hurt me. What would I do if I let her into my heart and she died in the final fight against my father, after the death of two women I love I don't think I could ever love another. Just loving Amicia seemed to betray my feelings for Samarias, but my feelings for Amicia weren't alone. She had openly shown her feelings for me and I had denied them. She had opened her heart and I had cut it. It pained me to imagine what she must have felt when I pulled away from her kiss and she seemed to hold nothing against me. She hadn't even mentioned it since we left to find Roan, and she hasn't shown any sign of hatred towards me. I don't know if it is because of her being a woman of the church, or if she truly understands what my heart is going through. Either way she has done nothing to show anger towards me and that only made my rejection hurt that much more. Walking on I saw Artur's tent was sealed tightly and he was snoring loudly. I walked back towards my tent, closing Amicia's along the way, and layed down to let the dreams of the future take over me.


There I sat perched in a tree, my senses alert and I seemed to be looking for something or someone. My entire body felt open and ready for any motion at any given time, ready to leap at a moments notice. I am unsure how long I sat in the tree, but my heart leapt when I finally heard a rustle behind me. I quickly turned only to have a fist meet my face, it wasn't strong but the force of it knocked me out of the tree I was in. Falling I quickly flipped so my legs would absorb the impact of the fall and landed on my feet with grace I thought impossible. Then soon after a young woman dropped from the tree with a smile on her face, she looked at me and I could see the crude triumph she felt just by looking into her eyes. I felt myself smile and laugh as I walked to her and hugged her. Thoughts went through my mind that I couldn't make sense of. This girl was my daughter and I had been training her with the skills she would need, but for what she would need the skills for wouldn't come to my mind. The girl was beautiful, her flowing red hair tied back in a small ponytail and she wore clothing that would muffle any sound that could be made from walking or anything else. The clothing was a gray that seemingly absorbed light from the very air around her as if she were turning invisible slowly. I looked down and saw that I was clothed in the same thing. Looking at her again I saw the definitive features that had made Amicia stand out to me, but there was more to her. She had Roans eyes, the glowing gold shone in the light, but instead of silver flecks she held another color. The purple made her eyes glow even more, looking into her eyes I saw the intelligence that only elders could possess, but she couldn't be more than sixteen years old. Soon we were at a river and I finally looked to see my own reflection, seeing not my face but another's staring back at me. Initially it shocked me that I wasn't seeing my own future for once, but somebody else's future. Of course the man I gazed upon held similar features to me and seemingly held blue eyes that had darkened from the icy blue color that I had become known for. The blue seemed like a deep ocean, holding so much time within them as though nobody but him would know the secrets those eyes had seen. Soon my eyes left the reflection of this man back to the young girl, she seemed to radiate beauty and health. Looking at her sent a chill up my spin and brought a smile to my face, the warmth I felt in my heart was an undying love for this girl. The feeling lingered as the vision of her slowly faded from view........

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