Knowledge isn't always the key

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Chapter 27

I could feel their rage, and army kept away from their one goal. They looked up at me with eyes of anger, I knew that there was only one way out of this tower and that would be to walk out of it into this army below. Suicide isn't my favorite idea, but its the only way I can see. The others were in the top room looking through the old tomes that were falling apart from the age of them. The woman that had came to me and wanted me to have one of my family members kill their own child held some power that allowed her to shift time itself. She felt so calm as if she knew she would win our argument the moment it started. The cryptic messages she has been giving me through my journey has been utterly puzzling, but why would she want me to have my own children kill their daughters if she was the one daughter that would ever come in my timeline. She was practically ordering her own death long before she was even close to being born. That was the one thing I couldn't understand, a woman who seemed so mighty wanted herself killed. Lost in my thought I didn't see the low elves were beginning to try and pelt the tower with magic. The purple flames flying towards the tower before being deflected back at them. The fire engulfing the ones who had thrown the flame, as I watched them I felt a hand on my arm. Turning to look at Amicia I saw her eyes filled with worry, "Kai the books they just fall apart when we pick them up, half of them don't even have anything that is remotely legible and the rest don't have anything in them at all. I don't know what this tower is meant to hold, but its long gone regardless. What should we do?" "We wait. The low elves below will continue to kill themselves in their attempt to get into the tower, which will give us a perfect way to escape." I replied, not removing my eyes form the low elves below. Something caught my eye though, a flash in the distance. Looking at it I hadn't expected what I saw before my eyes. An arrow sailing directly at us, I expected the arrow to be deflected by the field around the tower but I was wrong.

The arrow hit my chest with brutal force, my body flew to the end of the room and impacted against the stone wall. Looking down at the arrow I saw that it had gone nearly halfway into my chest, Amicia looked down at me with horror as blood seeped from the wound and I began coughing up blood. "It's the queen, she's come and she's figured out how the tower works." I said between the ragged coughs and my lungs filling with the blood I attempted to cough up. Amicia looked at me with fear as she crouched down and pulled out the arrow, but then something in her eyes changed. Anger grew and she summoned her bow. With the rage in her eyes she turned from me and leapt from the tower.


My eyes filled with tears as I fell down from the tower, but If I was right the magic of the tower would make me fall safely. The low elves stared up at me with surprise as I quickly unleashed a rage of arrows over them. Each arrow found its mark in the head of a low elf and several didn't stop at one low elf. As I fell I began to slide out farther and farther from the tower and I knew that the field was more similar to a shield, meant to keep things in and other things out. Kai seemed to know what the tower held, but he seemed unwilling to tell us. I could see through Kai's lies, but if he wanted to keep it a secret I would let him. He obviously didn't think it would be important for us to know about it. Surveying the low elves as I dropped on after another I looked for the "Queen" Kai had said came for him. I would find her and put an arrow in her chest with a smile on my face. I may be from the church, but I believe in equal punishment for the sins people commit. She has committed murder, so she must also die. I knew Kai would come back, but that didn't mean her sins would be forgotten. My eyes finally set upon the woman who had shot the arrow with such force. She held a longbow with a quiver strapped across her side for optimal firing without having to worry about gathering the arrows. She looked at me with anger and didn't seem to even flinch as I killed more and more of her subjects.

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