Chapter Four- Screams

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Chapter Four- Screams

This Adam guy doesn't seem bad nor good. All I know is that he is here to deliver a message to me; that message being sent by Rey Johnson who participated in my kidnapping and rape.

"What does he want you to tell me?"

"He knows where you are." he answers slowly. "And he also wants you to drop the case and keep your mouth shut."

My chest aches and my heart rate picks up. He knows where I am. I'm not safe here anymore, but I'm not safe anywhere.

He will not drive me away and he most certainly will not ruin my life anymore than what it is now. So then I do the most bravest thing I ever did in this world.



"No. Tell that coward I said to try and come get me." I turn around and head back upstairs. I go back to the bedroom where Isan, Vee, Zayn and Badass are and I get even more high. I get a bit more drunk just to feel anything other than defeat and fear.

I can hear myself screaming inside like a scared little, seven year old lost girl searching for her mom in a department store. Except, I am just a scared girl searching for... resoltuion. And that is just something I will never have.

"Ready to head back?" Isan asks.

"We're too drunk to drive."

"Then we'll walk." he smiles with heavy eyelids.

"What about your car?"

"I'll pick it up in the morning. Let's go." he nods in the direction of my house and I follow. "Why the long face?"

I shake my head. "It's nothing. I just- I know I'm going to be in such big trouble when I get home."

He laughs, throwing his head back. "Yeah, me too." We walk the rest of the way in silence. It's close to midnight when I get home and my parents aren't as mad as I thought they would be.

I go to sleep that night, but not so easily. I stay up hours before until it is four in the morning. I think about how I need to tell my parents in the morning about Adam and Rey. They deserve to know and I have been such a fuck up daughter to them.

They deserve better. They deserve the old me, but I just can't give them that anymore. How can you continue on with life when you already feel dead? You just never truly live.

"Lana!" I hear my mom yelling and I roll over onto my stomach in bed, putting my hands over my ears. "WAKE UPPPP!" My bedroom door flys open and she shakes me lightly.

"What?" I groan with my head pounding from my mom's yelling. I'm going to have a serious hangover today.

"You need to get up, honey."

"Mom, if this is about another shoe sale on, I swear-"

"It's not. Just please come downstairs." she pulls on my arm lightly and I roll out of bed.

I follow her downstairs and see my dad staring blankly at the t.v. I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch next to him. I stare at the t.v. for a while until a familiar face comes on the news.

"Rey Johnson was found dead earlier this evening in Albany, New York. His body was found in the middle of the woods and it has been confirmed that Johnson had committed suicide with a gun to his head." the news reporter lady, Mindy Turner says.

"He was on the run after participating in the kidnapping of Alana Grey from Hartford, Connecticut. Later on in the day, police got ahold of when three bodies were found in the Lawacka Lake. After completing an autopsy, it was also confirmed that those three bodies belonged to Renee Johnson, Nickloas Johnson and Diana Johnson; the family of Rey Johnson. Evidence proved that Rey had killed both his children, his wife then turned the gun on himself."

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