Liam Imagine #7

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Your Pov (your 23)
Liam and I had been dating for about 5 years when this happened and it feels like a lifetime ago that it did happen but it's only been a year. We were both 17 at this point but I have regretted this ever since it happened and I still have never told him.


I don't know why I feel so shit. I feel as if I could throw up at any moment. It must be food poisoning or the fact that I'm missing Liam because he's on tour with Over Atlantic again, it's the only explanation. I'll just wait it out. It couldn't kill me right?

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~

It's been two weeks since this whole feeling sick thing happened and it's not getting any better, if anything it's getting worse. I might ask my mother if she could book a doctor I walk down the stairs to the kitchen - where my mom is making dinner- to go and ask her if she could.

"Hi mom" I say to my mother as I walk down the stairs.

"Hello dear" she says as she turns around from the stove to greet me and she then walked off probably to get some kind of seasoning or spice.

"Whatcha making" I say to her in a dingy-song voice because I was starting and she won't let me eat until dinner.

"Some curry, extra spice just how you like it" she says cheerfully.

Usually I would jump at the chance for curry but now, just the name of it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

"Well,have a whiff" she says encouragingly.

And so to make her happy I lift the lid of the pot and take a nice long sniff at the spicy dish. But I wish I hadn't because as soon as my nose smelled the spiciness of the mixture in the pot my stomach yelled "nope" and I felt everything in my stomach coming up. And so I sprinted toward the bathroom but just I I left the room I heard my mother say.

"I know my cooking is bad but I didn't know it was that bad"

After I cleaned myself up I went back into the kitchen and said sorry to my mom and told her that it wasn't her food that made me sick, it was that I was sick for the last 2 weeks before. So because this disease isn't gonna go away anytime soon I asked her to make a doctors appointment.

~~~~~~~another time skip~~~~~~

Finally I'm going to the doctor to find out what is wrong with my insides.

We are now waiting for the doctor in the examination room.

"Hello I'm doctor graham what seems to be the problem" he said (and yes I put James graham in here because he is awesome 😍)

"Well the last couple of weeks I've been feeling really sick and when I smell some things it makes me very sick and want to throw up" I said back

"Ok well it might just be the flu but I'll run some tests just to be sure"
He said

Once he was done with the tests he walked out of the room. A few minutes later he walked back into the room.

"Well it looks like you don't have the flu" he said quite shocked.

"Then what do I have. It isn't deadly is it" I ask starting to worry.

"No, but I think if I tell you in front of your mother it might be deadly for you" he said still staring at the paper in his hand.

"Just spit it out" my mother said

"Your pregnant" he said

"What" i said quietly

"WHAT" my mother yelled

"Tree months to be exact" he said

And after that me and my mother went home and as soon as we got home she raced to go and tell my father.

After that they gave me a two hour lecture on why sex is bad and about now I have to take responsibility for what I have done.

But all that was going through my mind was how I was gonna tell Liam.

~time skip to her first ultrasound~

After a few days my parents calmed down about the whole baby thing and now they are really supportive but I still haven't told Liam because he was still on tour and I felt like I should tell him in person.

We are currently in the waiting room at the doctors office ready to go to my first ultrasound.

Finally we get Called into the examination room and I am told to lift my shirt up and I do so.

The doctor the squeezed a blue (very cold) goo onto my stomach and finally uses the wand thingy to look at the baby

But after a few minutes he puts the wand thing down and turns to me with a sad look.

"I'm sorry I can't find a heartbeat it seems as if you have had a miscarriage" he said

I just stared at him for a while until my mom finally pulled me out of the room and into the car.

Throughout the car ride we don't speak there is just the hum of a song playing in the background.

As we arrive home I run up to my room ready to break down and that's exactly what I did.

What am I gonna tell Liam?
Will I even tell him?

I don't know what to do

And that's when I headed a knock at my door and someone comes into my room and yells "SURPRISE"

I turn around and see Liam standing there with his arms outstretched for me and so I run into them.

He pulled way after a few minutes

"Why were you crying babe" he asked worried

And that's when I did the thing that I regret most in life

"I was crying because I missed you so much" I lie.

"Well I'm here not don't worry baby girl"

And just the mention of a baby brought tears to my eyes but Liam didn't know the real reason I was crying and he never will.

~~~~~~ end of flashback ~~~~~~

And till this day it kills me that I lied to the love of my life but I know that if I had told him it would have killed me more to see him broken.


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