Charlie imagine #3

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Running down the street without looking back. My calves burn from the speed at which I am going. I needed to get out of my house while I could. At this point the constant bickering between everybody was getting to be too much for me. Eventually the nasty comments were directed at me, even though I was always out of everyone's way.

From afar, I see the house that I have come to know as my second home. Finally reaching the tarred ground that leads to the front door, I reach out toward the old wooden door blocking me from the person I need most right now.

The house I was currently panting, outside of, was my best friend, Charlie's house. He still lived with his parents too, but they were pretty used to me showing up at random times in the day and at night, so they were not going to wake up when they hear my knocking.

After a few minutes Charlie still had not come to the door, which does not usually happen, but he probably just had a long day and was out cold. So, I did what I usually do if I know he is not home, I climbed into the window that was connected to the kitchen. It was a struggle because the window was quite high, but I managed. I quickly walked up the stairs to Charlie's room – trying to make as little noise as possible. Once I reached his door, I heard him snoring loudly, which made me giggle to myself.

Once I snuck myself into the room, I closed the door slowly, trying to avoid the usual creaking, but there was still a soft squeak as I completely shut it. I hear Charlie shuffling in bed, but not waking up.

I go toward the drawer where he keeps all his shorts and quickly pull out a random pair, before replacing my black skinnies with them. I shuffle over to Charlies bed and see that luckily, he is sleeping in a position that leaves some space for me, next to him.

I feel him shuffle around after a few minutes, where he ends up wrapping his arm around my waist and digging his head into my neck, which was surprisingly comfortable (it also made me fall asleep pretty fast from what I remember.)

It feels like I have only been asleep for a few minutes when I feel something warm on my lips, wondering what it is I open my eyes quickly. What I see is Charlie standing over me with his lips pressed to mine. I was in shock. I quickly put my arms on his chest and push him away. He looks completely shocked, but I could not care what he had to say, so I quickly run out the room and grab my shoes as I run out the front door.

I know that I cannot go back home right now, but I also could not stay at Charlies because of what he did. I have known Charlie since I was 6, so it was a bit of a shock to see him kissing me. Especially when I was asleep. So, I head to the park because at this time of night I doubt any of my other friends would let me in.

Sitting peacefully in a park has always been a meditation tactic for me, as it seemed to be the only place that was peaceful enough for me to think about things.

After about an hour of sitting on the wet grass, I feel a presence next to me and I already know who it is.

"This is where I broke my wrist." He says quietly

"You told me I could fly, and I believed you. Ended up with a few stiches and a broken wrist."

"You were mad at me for a whole day, it was torture." I whisper.

"But I ended up missing you and going back to you. Which is what I'll always do – forgive you even when you're in the wrong." I feel his eyes on me as he finishes

"Yeah I know."

"I hope you can do the same for me."

"You were my first kiss." I say quietly with my head in my hands.

"Ha-ha very funny" he says bumping me.

"I'm serious."

"Noooo. You are serious? What about that dude that you told me about?"

"He wasn't a fake guy, he was real, but the whole us kissing thing was a complete lie."

"Why would you lie to me."

"Oh please, all I ever hear is how many girls you have been with, I felt like I was missing out and I didn't want to."

"Wow, talk about peer pressure." He says trying to lighten the mood.

"Was I at least good?" he jokes

"Nah you had morning breath, tasted like you hadn't brushed your teeth for a few days." Smiling at him I lean into his shoulder.

"I am sorry for doing that to you, I just needed to test it."

"Test what?"

"If I actually had feelings for you."

"And you couldn't do that when I was awake." I say in a serious voice.

"I could but I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

"Char, I doubt a silly kiss would ruin a friendship."

"Well can I propose something?"


"Since you freaked out when you woke up, I didn't exactly get to get a conclusion on the whole feelings thing. So maybe could we try again." I look at him with shock and hesitation. "Like you said, a kiss wouldn't ruin the friendship, right?"


He slowly leans in and attaches our lips. And all I feel is sparks. He pulls back after a while and we just sit there enjoying each other's company in the cold night.

"Do you think we'll ever be more than friends?"

"Maybe one day." I say smiling up at him

"That's good enough for me." He smiles back down at me.

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