Liam Imagine #3

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Since my best friend joined the X factor I haven't gotten to see him in nearly 2 years.

If your wondering who my bestie is its Charlie. Charlie jones. You know the one with the really high quiff and the youngest one of stereo kicks.

Well that band is over and since it is Charlie needed another one to fill the void in his heart so he started a new band called over Atlantic there are 4 other dudes in the band and I can honestly say I know none of them.

There was an emoish looking one who seemed pretty cool from what I saw in the videos on YouTube videos that they made and he was American. Next was a short blond boy who would still be taller than me if I met him but he was shorter compared to the other guys and he seemed like a really funny class-clown kind of guy and his accent was almost the same as mine because I lived in Liverpool for a few years when I was younger so I caught on to the accent. Then there was this other blond guy who liked really cool music and he had so many band shirts so I was jealous and he was from Sweden which was a totally random place from where the rest of the guys were from but the accent was amazing although it would take some getting used to, but it was still pretty cool. And last was this guy who was probably the hottest out of them all, he had really fluffy 2010 Harry styles hair that was shaven on the sides. And he was also pretty funny and he was from America so I loved his accent. And he had this one shirt that looked like a whole lot of cloud outlines in a collage that he loved to wear.

So since Charlie had about two weeks off before the next tour he decided to go and see his parents for a week and then bring the boys and come and stay with me for a week because they start the next tour in Manchester and I live near It so it was like a bed and breakfast for them. Charlie said that he wanted me to meet the boys because we are both a huge part of his life and he wants the most important things for him to be together.

So right now I'm at the airport waiting for Charlie and the boys to arrive and they were to lazy to drive here so they took a plane instead which made me paranoid because I was watching final destination the day before and that was a really bad idea.

Finally after a long ass wait I finally see their plane landing and thank god it didn't blow up.

So after another 10 minutes I see my high quiffed best friend walking out the door looking for me and when his eyes land on me they fill up with tears and so do mine he then drops all his cases and runs toward me and I do the same and when we finally reach each other he picks me up while hugging me and spins me around.

"I missed you so much" he whispers while I was still in his arms.

"but anyway these are the boys" he says while the boys are walking up to us

"This is Trevor, Sean, Gabe and Liam" he says while pointing to each boy but the only one I really cared about was Liam.

"Hi everyone" I say pretty shyly because I'm not a people person. Charlie knows that I have pretty bad social anxiety so when it comes to meeting new people he's always there with me to calm me down, but now it's not so bad because I kind of know these guys already from the YouTube videos.

So we go and collect the guys bags and head off to my car, well not my car, it was my moms because my car wasn't going to fit 6 people and luggage it can barely fit me so in other words I need a new car. I have to tell Charlie to add that to my wish list when he gets rich.

So while we were driving home I let the boys have control of the music so obviously they chose one direction and 5sos.

But I really like one direction and 5sos so it was ok. so they played a couple songs before 'if you don't know' by 5sos came on and that was my jam so I was singing along like a mad woman.

And let me tell you when Calums part came on I killed that just saying. And when the song was over I saw all the boys were looking at me with a shocked expression.

"what I wasn't that bad" I say to them

"That's the thing you were good, and since when can you sing" says Charlie " since I've known you I've never heard you hit one note worse than Gabe in the shower and now you do that"

"What can I say I learn from the best" I say in response

And I think Charlie thought I was taking about him because he said "thank you" but in reality I was talking about Perrie Edwards, but I let him have his moment.

So finally we get to my house. Yes I live alone and yes I am only 17 but whatever.

So after the boys got somewhat comfortable we decided to go to a ice rink that was about 10 minuets away and go ice skating.

When we got there all the boys were pretty confident so we got out blade shoe things and they went on the ice but I actually have never gone ice scaring so as soon as i got onto the ice I fell on my ass and I gave up so I went to the benches to take off my shoe blade things. Liam all of a sudden was right in front of me.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I'm taking off my shoe blade things I gave up on my ice scaring dream because as soon as I got onto the ice I fell on my ass " I said back

So he reached down and redid my now untied shoe blade thing.

"Ok first it's called a skate not a shoe blade thingy and second I saw you fall and that was the funniest thing ever and third I'm gonna teach you how to skate"

I just gave him a look that says 'are you really going to take up that challenge' but he just put out his hand to take and I did

When we got onto the ice I was crapping myself so much but he just held on to my hand and after about an hour I was getting the hang of it and by then everybody was out of there except me and the boys.

"Hey me and the guys are gonna get pizza are you gonna come or are you staying" says Charlie

"I'll com-" just as he was about to finish his sentence I cut him off

"You're not going anywhere I'm finally kind of getting the hang of this" I say while looking at Liam "just get us two large Hawaiian pizzas" I say to Charlie and he gives me the thumbs up.

So after a while I'm finally skating on my own and I was for some reason I was feeling confident enough to go skating with my eyes closed and it ended terribly for me and I ended up bumping into Liam making me fall because he was legit made of stone.

He put out his hand for me to take to get up and when I finally did I looked at him in the eyes and he started leaning in and so did I but as our lips were about to touch we heard Charlie scream


And the rest of the night was left with Liam and I having very awkward looks exchanged in between us two and luckily the other boys didn't notice but every time I caught Liam staring at me he would go cherry red and turn cherry red and I found that adorable

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