Two fated lovers chapter 1 "Meetimg"

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Two children were born that day. The kingdom of the Akashi family the red pheonix and the Kuroko family of the blue pheonix. These two kingdom use to be one but they belive in different religion. The blue bird represent life to forgive and protect. The red bird represent death to punish and to destroy. That's why they cannot be together. Now that two new generation is born a new fate will begin for them to choose.....

Five years later.....

A little boy was looking out the window. He had sky blue hair and a blue robe on fully dressed. His mother the queen helped him fixed his bed hair by combing it. Outside was a big red carriage with the flag of a red bird. Thousand of soldiers lined up straight and tall. He watch as they go though the gate of the blue phoenix.

"Oka-san" the boy said. Still lookin outside.

"Yes, my dear." His mother looked at him.

"Bells, I hear a pretty bell. It's ringing a pretty sound." He said.

"Bells? Where? I don't hear anything?" His mother also look outside. He point to the second carriage that looks a little smaller. He saw a small figure in the carriage which looks like a boy inside. There was a knock at the door.

"Yes coming. Tetsuya stay here I'll come hget you when your ready." His mother said. He nodded. He looks back out the window. His eyes met with someone. They had the color of the red sunset and a red firey hair like the red phoenix. The person smiled at him. His heart suddenly lit like fire thumping really fast.

He duck his head really fast back into his room. He touch his cheek and looked in the mirror his face red. He wonder why? It was the first time he felt like this way. The door open a guard came in.

"Your highness, it's time to go. Are you ready?" The guard ask. He nod. They both walk out the door.

"Are you nervous? You know your going to perform in front of a whole audiance." The guard look at him.

"I don't know Kagami. Mabye." Tetsuya said.

"You'll be fine. I got your back." Kagami pat his back a couple time making him cough. Tetsuya glare at him.

"S-sorry about that." Kagami rub his head.

They stop at a big door with a carved pheonix. He knew what's going to happen once he open these doors.

"Good luck." Kagami smike. He went to the door and opend it for him. Tetsuya breathe in  and out then he walk straight through the door. 

"Tetsuya, I'm glad you could make it." His father the king smile at him.

"Yes, father..." Tetsuya looks at all the people staring at him.

"Don't be nervous the Akashi family will love your performance don't worry." He smiled.

A man stood up he had red hair like the boy he saw outside and red eyes. He walked up to Tetsuya and bowed.

"Hello little prince, I heard your going to perform for us. I'm thankful for that but before you can perform I like you to meet someone." He told someone to come here. A boy stood up. Tetsuya noticed who it was it was the boy he saw in the second carriage. They both faced each other eyes meeting.

"Hello your highness." He bowed.

"My name is Akashi Seijirou. The crowned prince of the red pheonix. Nice to meet you." He bowed again.

"M-my name is Kuroko Tetsuya. The prince of the blue pheonix. It's also nice to meet you." Tetsuya bowed.

"Now that you both have introduced yourself. Seijirou." Akashi father turned to Seijirou. Seijirou nodded and grabbed something from his sleeve. It was a jewel box. He walked to where Tetsuya father and mother were sitting in the throne.

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