Is it really that bad? Like seriously! Yeah maybe in the past two days I've shared 7 articles from The Mighty on my Facebook but so what. Yeah I should probably post or share articles and stuff around other topics like social events, charity stuff and news stories. But mental health is important to me and I'm gonna take a break from sharing mental health articles for a while but I'm not gonna stop, just limit how often I do post/share them.
Mental health stigma sucks so bad and society needs to get to work. Society wonders why and how the suicide rate is as high as it is in countries around the world yet they do absolutely nothing on their part to lower it. They don't think that their chosen language when speaking about mental health, suicide and other things that trigger suicide into people's minds.
If they just realize that how they speak to and about others affects that number of suicide in our world. If you want that number to reduce, find out how you can do your part to reduce it. Same goes for wanting world peace. You want world peace?
I believe it must start with yourself. In the inside where it matters and counts! In order to be kind to others, you must be kind to yourself first. So work on loving yourself unconditionally first to progress in reaching towards inner peace for yourself and then you can go from there. Like Michael Jackson inspired with his lyrics in "Man in the Mirror"! If you want to make a difference in the world, take a look at yourself and make a change.
If you want a relationship to become stronger or to see better and healthier change for someone, two people must do their parts. It can't be a one way street. Both must To their parts. Don't think that it's all on that one person to better themselves. In order to see that change as it progresses, the other must be fully open, mindfully aware 100% (meaning without any judgments) to the change regardless of what the other person believes is wrong or unnecessary or needed.
You want to be part of it from inspiring change, inspire it. But don't demand it. If someone wants to change or better themselves you can only inspire and try in that part, but that's it. You can't demand any kind of change onto someone l.
If they want to change or better themselves, they will with their own choices, beliefs, values and priorities! If they don't want to do it your way or through your eyes or inspiration, don't take it personally nor demand it like it's your job or your responsibility to make sure they change in the way you want them to.
That's not your job nor your responsibility! Your responsibility is your own life, except for those who are parenting young ones. Other than that, at a certain age, parents should respect, accept, understand and support fully what they kids want to be and what they wanna pursue with their life regardless of what the parents believe.
That's not for them to control. They are at the age where they are in charge and responsible for their own lives now. I'm at that age for quite some time now. But my parents haven't learned, accepted nor tried that method or way of viewing and responding in these moments!
Self Confidence Conquers The World
Non-FictionConfidence is all about being the best you that you wanna be, embracing it with absolutely no shame. And letting it shine to show the world how truly confident you can be with all that you intend on achieving! This book here is to help inspire, enco...