Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) lives in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, he or she must choose a faction and commit to it for life.
Tris chooses Dauntless -- those who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to the discovery that she is a Divergent and will never be able to fit into just one faction.
Warned that she must conceal her status, Tris uncovers a looming war which threatens everyone she loves.
Self Confidence Conquers The World
Kurgu OlmayanConfidence is all about being the best you that you wanna be, embracing it with absolutely no shame. And letting it shine to show the world how truly confident you can be with all that you intend on achieving! This book here is to help inspire, enco...