One Colour

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When it comes to colours, it's more important to express ourselves with more than one colour. When it comes down to expressing ourselves with art. Art in drawing, creating, music, dance, journaling are all great ways to express ourselves freely and creatively!

And I'm someone who's a huge fan of creativity. In fact it's something I've been working on. Working on living a more creative life. A life more embraced of all that I want to create with it. To be myself, my own person (and not my parents or anyone else), to make a life of my own on my own terms, to do the things that make me happy and to follow my passions and purpose.

To live with purpose and to achieve it as much as I want to. To embrace myself, my purpose, passion; whole-heartedly, like Brene Brown encourages and inspires!

If you think logically, your gonna lose the creative arts." ~ Topanga Mathews

Self awareness

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