That New Confident Fancy Look...

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Those moments or days where you just want to pull out that fancy beautiful dress in your closet that hasn't been worn and you've been wanting to wear it for any opportunity that presents itself but the right ones haven't arrived at our door yet.

Sometimes we think that moments are perfect even though no one in reality is perfect and reality itself isn't perfect either. And we have had those habits of thinking and believing that we should wait for the opportunity to present itself so we can do our thing.

Even those times when you believe that a lot of moments in life are expected or assumed to be perfect and that's the definition of perfect with moments in life; but that's not the reality of that. We should stop waiting for those moments and create them ourselves and make them however you want.

The best way to predict the future is to create it!

Just don't beat yourself up if it's not 100% or 110% perfect like you had planned in your head. At times like this, you just have to settle for imperfect instead. Became perfect is so overrated.

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