Chapter Seventeen

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***WARNING: This chapter includes descriptive blood and violence. Continue with care!***

Eli's head was still a little fuzzy so when he saw Riley standing in front of him in a dark room, he was confused if it was reality or not. She had one of her sweet smiles on and it made Eli feel like he was smiling back, even though he had tape covering his mouth. Riley slowly sat down in front of Eli and crossed her legs messily as she put on a lazy smile. "You look like you're holding up," she said gently and grinned. "Not much scars," she added and put a thumbs up with her left hand.

"You look beautiful," Eli breathed out and smiled toward her. She smiled and slowly stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked, tilting his head a bit to the right but before he could finish feeling his confusion, Riley stuck a knife in his gut. Eli's eyes went wide and he felt the blood rushing toward it. Eli's breath went ragid and he closed his eyes tightly, blocking out Riley's face. 

Eli felt like he was being surrounded with blood. The thick, red, gushing blood was already covering his hands and body. His head began to feel light headed as he began to breath heavily. His lungs were in panic and his heart was pounding triple than what it would've usually been. Eli grunted in pain as he held onto his wound, feeling the blood gush inbetween his fingers.

"Slut," a loud voice played out in the torture room. Riley clenched her jaw, knowing her turn was coming. Already she had cried and already she had screamed so loud she was beat as punishment for being so disobedient. Most of the girls did the same, but the others passed out. "Whore," the voice said again, the word echoing off the walls. Riley took a breath, knowing that the words that were going to come weren't going to hurt her. Or were they? "Idiot. Useless." Riley knew that the person with the voice had been looking at her, she felt the gaze. "Suicidal wretch," the voice said disgustedly. Riley bit her lower lip, wondering if these names were only directed toward her. Most of the girls were whimpering but none of them jumped back as the woman's footsteps echoed throughout the room. "Garbage. Weak," that word hurt the most. Riley had to shut her eyes tightly and bite down the words she wanted to scream back, even though she had tape covering her mouth to make sure she wouldn't say anything else.

And then things got worse. After every name was called, she was punched or kicked. "Pathetic. Worthless." Riley took it all in and held in her betraying tears. They punched her face, her arms, which were covered with dried blood, her legs and her gut. "Lonely. Abandoned." It was beginning to get old. The only thing keeping Riley away were the beatings. She took in a breath silently through her nose once she heard the flick of a pocket knife opening. All the girls went silent, even the woman who was saying all the words.

And then the knife did all the talking. 

Eli shook his head quickly and realized it wasn't blood he was getting soaked with. It was water. His hands were tied behind his back in chains and cuffs and his body was being doused with water every few seconds. Buckets upon buckets were being dumped on him. Eli would breath in air for a second before more water came pouring down onto him. Then he kept repeating that until he began to get beaten as the water continued to come down. His breathing began to get more and more unsteady until he swallowed a load of water. He jerked his head back and forth and lowered his head so it would be away from the water as he continued to get beat.

Fists were hitting his face, his arms, his guts and legs and all he did was wince. His ribs and sides and thighs were screaming but so was everything else and the crazy man in the corner. Eli still felt like electrical pulses were going through his body when really nothing was on him except for the water that continued to be dunked down onto him. Eli spit out some more water and began to cough before he was punched in the gut and winced. He knew what they were doing. They were getting him to the edge of death before leaving him to rot. Luckily for him, he was good at pretend. Eli grew still and drooped his head to the right, but none of the guys were buying it. One of them pushed Eli against the wall and growled. Eli stopped pretending and decided to just let them do what they needed. Eli wouldn't be able to get out of this one. He knew it more than anyone. 

Eli was going to die there without Riley.

Riley began to whimper like the rest of the girls. She felt sore and whenever she moved, she coughed. At one point, she couldn't stop puking. She knew all that came out was blood and stomach acid just from the iron aftertaste that was left in her mouth. Whenever she was done being hit in the face, she just spit the blood onto her naked lap or onto the pile of muck in front of her.

Riley was exhausted. After she woke up from that realistic dream, she hadn't been able to go back to sleep unless she passed out from the woman's beatings. Her arms and legs were covered in dried and still wet blood, and whatever reaction she had, it didn't stop them. Riley began to wonder on how she deserved all of this. She didn't understand. What did she do that was so bad?

First it was Alison, who was friends with her for a solid year before her crazy began to show. Riley was over at her house having a sleepover in her room, which was in the basement at the time. Alison got up and said she was going to go get her phone from upstairs so Riley nodded and continued to watch the movie that was left on. But then the basement door shut and Riley heard a click. At first she thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her but when she went upstairs to see what was taking Alison so long, the basement door was locked. She began to hit the door until it opened to reveal Alison. Riley stumbled back and fell down the stairs and hit her head on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. 

When she woke up, she was in a wooden chair with ropes tied around her wrists and waist. Riley tried to get out but Alison wasn't caring.

It was then that Riley realized she wasn't that cared about. She sat on the metal floor underneath her and felt her blood that coated her body. She wasn't going to get out of this one. She was never meant to be free.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed.

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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