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Star pov
I woke up to the sound of my mother rambling and opening my shades that kept me in the dark "Star it's time to get up, you have a breakfast date with Lord Evan from Mewtopia, he's very charming and might be the one" she sing songed the last part

"Mother, I don't feel like me and him would get along? Honestly why can't I go and find a guy who loves me for me and not for my riches" mother scoffed and I rolled my eyes which made her irratated "Stop rolling your eyes at me, this is serious Star your going to take my crown and you get to find a husband, don't you want to find love?"

More than anything "Yes, of course I do" she sighs and sits by me "Well give him a chance?" I groan a bit and nodded "Fine..let me get ready" "Not so fast Marina, Candace here please" as I look I see the maids as they pulled off my bedsheets and pushed me towards my bathroom which had my bath ready

"Okay! You guys don't have to watch me I'll be fast promise" the girls nod and leave me alone as I relax in solitude "I hate being pampered.." as I get out and dressed up in my royal wear that was very uncomfortable. I'm seated at the table being served with a plate as I wait I see Evan and I smiled

"Good morning Princess" he kisses my hand and looks at me while I smirk and sigh a bit "I'm glad you were able to accept this date" I nod "Of course, everyone deserves a chance..right?" He nods and I just sit there hearing his story of his family history and I was already half asleep when Marina nudged me "I'm fine"

I say loudly and Evan looks at me a little annoyed "You weren't listening were you?" I nervously chuckled and he stood up and left and I groan knowing mother is going to be upset "I'm in trouble" I stand up and see mother walk in a little bit upset "Star?"

"Mother..before you yell at me and stuff, can I say I don't want a Prince I want a normal guy..that actually likes me for me?" She pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs heavily "Okay" she said which surprised me a bit "Okay?" She nods "Tell you what I'll give you 6 months to find a husband, if you don't then I'll step in and arrange one for you whether you like it or not"

she stood tall and looked down at me with her indigo blue eyes "Yes mother..I understand" she walks out and I start jumping around smiling and laughing that I can actually find someone who I can like and be with for the rest of my life..I wonder who he could be?

Marco pov
I woke up to banging, I quickly ran towards my door and opened to see my land Lord, she didn't look too pleased "Diaz, you owe me rent for this month and last month, I know I let you slide once or twice but you gotta pay" I nod and went towards my kitchen and got the rent money

"Here, I forgot to bring it to you yesterday, I had a late shift and was exhausted..plus school in the morning" she smiles and nods "I understand but your just one person, this apartment has 2 rooms and your living by yourself" I scoff and rolled my eyes "I have a roommate Zoe"

she rolls her hazel green eyes "Yeah? Where are they? What's their name?" "Alex..Santos..you missed him an hour ago?" She giggles and nudges me "Nice try, but seriously get a roommate to help pay rent..I can't be protecting you all the time even though I'm your favorite aunt..I care about you like my own kids" I smile and nod

"Of course Tia Zoe (Tia is aunt in Spanish), thanks for helping me and of course your my favorite" she hugs me and kisses my cheek "Your my favorite nephew Marco" I waved and closed my door and got ready for the day, since I didn't have class I had work at the thrift shop down the block, I liked working there getting to know different people and discuss interest it's a blast,

it's better than my second job as a host at Apple bees. As i walk by the empty room, my aunt was right I might have to get a roommate but who would want to live with me? I've been doing fine on my own, but I get why she wants me to, so I can have a friend or someone to do stuff with "Lets see" I walked down the block seeing familiar faces as I entered the shop

"Hey Maggie" "Your early, you don't come in until 1?" "I want the extra hours today, where's Carlos?" Maggie rolled her eyes as she points to the back "Having an episode because someone took his soda" we laugh and he shows up "This isn't funny! That soda had things in it..like my favorite things, I made it at home" we both gave him a look "Okay..well I'm gonna go restock" I walked off and continued doing my job.

After a couple hours I decided to go home and take a shower and take a nap before heading to my other job "Marco, I made Mac and cheese" zoe said as she handed me a container filled with the gooey goodness "Thanks..I'll see you this weekend okay?" She nods and I head to my apartment and eat and shower.

After dressing in my uniform I was off and got to the restaurant "Marco, your late dude" one of my friends said "I know, I took too long while I ate but I'm here" we chuckle a bit before the manager shows up "Colin, Diaz I hope both are working well?" I nodded "Yes sir"

I take off and start bringing people to their seats and orders..as people came in and out I was the last one to leave and close up, as i did I walked home whistling and looking at the empty street, no one is usually out this late "I'm home.." I say as I smirk and head to my room as I did I decided to put an ad for a roommate hopefully someone applies for it..

A/n first part done! Hope you liked it since it's just the beginning

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