17. No you're not

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Marco Pov
I lie miserable in my bed trying my best not contacting star. It was torture! My aunt just wanted me to suffer. As I move from the bed I decided to go check at her apartment complex. As I arrived I knocked and knocked but no one came. Man she really isn't in the mood to see me. "Marco?" I turn and see Cullen holding two cups of coffee

"Hey? I thought you were in there?" "I uh left cause Star looked upset and Amber needed to deal with her. Did you do something?" "I can explain. My ex came back to get back with me but I told her about my marriage with Star and then she started freaking out and then kissed me! Star saw and took off before I had a chance to talk..are they there?"

Cullen sighs and pulls a key from under the rug "You're lucky I know the spare key.." I pushed aside as i see the apartment empty and untouched. Like she never existed "Amber? You here?" Cullen searched her bedroom as I found a few clothing left behind. I picked it up and held it close "She's gone?" I lowered my head and Cullen walked out with his head lowered

"She left and didn't tell me goodbye?" He sat on the couch as i sat beside him "Same here. I'm sorry about Amber." "I'm sorry about Star. Man I don't like this feeling at all. It's like a piece of me died or left me." He covered his face as he whines and I shake my head "We need to get them back! We need to find them. I can't stay here and pretend everything is okay when it's not?"

"How do we do that? Also I don't have money to fly and neither do you." I smirked "Star may have left me but she did leave me a card with money on it. Comes with being king..well almost?" He scoffs "what's your plan?" "Well my aunt told me to leave her alone for a day and it's almost a day where she is now so we get there in time maybe I could explain to her."

"Alright? Do you really think she'll be delighted to see you?" "No. But I have to try? I love her and I know deep down she loves me to. She knows that there isn't anybody who's like me." He smirks "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go Already! I want to see my sugar plum" I grimace at the pet name "Yeah..let's go"


After gathering a few things I had one more stop before going. "Are you serious?" "Yes. I want to and I know she'll be happy to see it." Cullen rolled his eyes as we paid and got on plain that only went Mewni. It was a bit bumpy but what did you expect? I basically broke a royal princess heart. I need to learn my mistakes.

As we finally made it i was so glad to land. It was such a pretty place. So relaxing and very quiet. As me and Cullen rented a car I noticed posters around saying about the Blue Bell Ball. I wondered if that was meant for us? I sigh as Cullen nudges me "Is that where we going?" I nodded

"Yeah tonight. Just need to blend in and not get noticed." He nods as we arrived at an inn. It was small and cozy and quiet cute. "Welcome to Dwindle bay, Mewni are you gentlemen here for the ball tonight?" "Yes. Is it free to the public?" "Only a selected few are able. You two must me lucky" we nervously smiled "Yeah we are quite lucky." The man smiled kindly and handed us a pair of keys "Enjoy your stay" "Thank you."

As we closed the door Cullen let out a sigh. "So how are we allowed in the castle now?" "I'm pretty sure you'll be allowed in but I might not be." He sighs "Sorry man." "Its fine but I remember star saying a garden she always go to whenever she was upset? Maybe I could sneak in the back? And hopefully get her to talk to me?" "Well hope you don't die or get thrown out" I nod "Yeah. So get dressed Cullen so you get your girl back." I pulled out the gift and sigh "I really hope it works."


As it came to the ball Cullen left with the crowd and I decided to sneak in the back. But to my luck I messed up. "A giant stone wall? Seriously?" I groan as i took a deep breath and started to climb and mentally think it's worth it. For her. Do it for star. As I make it I dust off my suit as i start walking into the maze. I never realized how big it was.

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