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Star pov
I laid in my bed all night and day, I didn't even listen to my parents plead for me to leave my bedroom. But all I wanted was to go home and just go back to my old life, Marco isn't going to come back and I lied to him up to now! "Star honey, please come out it's been almost a full day and you haven't come out to eat or bathe"

I bury my head into my pillow until my phone rings and I check it out. It's probably Amber or mother trying to get me out. As I take a look it's a message from Marco. I sat up and wiped my eyes and opened my phone

{M- Can we talk?}
{S- Yes}

I quickly fixed myself and headed towards my door "Star?" I ignored mother and went outside to find Marco standing there looking at me weird "So..your really a princess?" I nodded "Yeah I am, I was gonna tell you Marco but I got caught up with us that it slipped my mind-"

Marco raised his hand "You should have told me the truth star" I lower my head "I didn't want you to like me for my status I wanted you to like the real me" he sighs and grabs my hand "Star it doesn't matter if your rich or poor or a freaking princess..because I fell in love with the real you not what you just said.."

I smiled and looked at him "So..are you okay with this?" He shakes his head "Ruling a kingdom sounds pretty hard and I have no idea how a king should act..star I'll be with you but when you have to go..that will be it for us" I started to tear up

"I understand..it's a huge commitment and i won't force you into it, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable" he chuckles slightly "Star I will always love you, no matter what but marriage right away? That's a pretty big step you know.."

I sigh and nod "I know but didn't you want to get married?" He looks at me and nods a bit "Eventually when I'm done with school..but star you have to understand, I'm not royal or even king material"

"Marco you are caring, trusting, determined and smart just like a king should be" I smiled as I held his hands which he moved away "I'm sorry but that's not a life for me Star. I want to be here where my parents are and be here it's where I grew up and right now it feels like your leaving me just like Jackie"

I noticed his eyes were kinda puffy and red "I'm not leaving you! I want you to come with me, please Marco I'll tell my parents we won't marry right away, we'll have months and then when the time is right you'll pop the question"

I say hoping it changed his mind "Star.." "Marco I love you, I told you the abuse I gotten from my ex boyfriend..whenever I'm with you I feel safe and wanted because you did all the right things and move. I even looked up to you for advice when I needed it and even when I was Oskar..you still stayed beside me..that a best friend and more and that's something I long for"

I was in tears and he was crying as well "I love you star.." he pulled me into a kiss and I held around his neck as he held my waist "Just give time about it..okay?" I smirked and nodded

"Alright, I'm sorry I look like a mess" he wiped my face "Your fine Star" I smiled and I held him close "I don't want to lose you.." I whispered and he held tight "You won't.."

After a couple days things went back smoothly but my relationship with my mom isn't so well and she knows it's her fault to blame. "Star your mother is really trying to speak to you" "Amber I don't wish to speak to her right now"

Amber sighs "I know she's your best friend but I need space and I'm sorry I really am" I finished getting dressed and head over to Marcos place as I got there he came out of his door "Oh I was gonna go get you"

"Its okay, my driver dropped me off I don't want to be around my parents for a bit and they are probably spending New year's eve at home" Marco lowered his eyes "Star you should spend time with your family, no matter what's happening..they made a mistake and you have to move on."

Marco held my hand and I sigh "Why are you always this smooth?" "Just am" we laugh a bit "Now let's go get them so they can meet my parents and we can all enjoy the party" I groan a bit "Alright" Marco was perfect and meant the world to me, he really was caring and he always found a solution for any problem.

When we stopped back at my apartment I walked inside and saw my parents in the couch along with Amber and Cullen. "Star, honey I'm sorry for everything I done, it wasn't my intention I swear" I took a deep breath

"Please get ready, Marco invited all of us to attend his parents house for the even. He wishes for you guys to his so everything will be okay" mother nods and father follows and Amber looks at Cullen

"Amber you can come if you like along with you Cullen I don't mind" she smiles and I gave one back "Thank you star" I nod and start heading down "The limo will take you while I ride with Marco" they didn't say a word and nodded as I took off.

"So are they coming?" "Yeah they are, they are gonna follow us to there" "Okay, are you upset I made you?" "No, I'm fine Marco just need to prepare for what I have to say for my mother" he nods "Alright then"

The drive was fairly quiet and music was softly playing while Marco drove. When we arrived the house looked kinda empty with not many cars or anything. "Just my aunt and cousins come not all my family" "Oh alright" he opens the door for me and I giggled

"Why are you acting like this?" "I'm acting like a gentleman" he made a silly face and I laughed and hugged him "You goofball" as we enjoyed our laughter I noticed my parents and I stopped.

"Alright just follow me" they nod as Marco held onto my hands and I look behind "Marco! Star! You came back, Oh you brought company how wonderful" his father hugged us tight and we chuckled which kinda scared my parents

"Oh where is my manners, I'm Raphael Diaz, Marcos dad nice to meet you all and come on in please" we all shuffled in while my parents kept close behind me while Marco left to find his mother who wasn't present "Star!" I turn and see Zoe "Hey!" She hugs me "How are you?"

"I'm good, these are my parents, Moon and River" "Hi, nice to meet you" "Likewise" she moved back "I'll go get drinks" I nod as she disappears "Guys be lose, don't be all proper and stuff, the Diaz are laidback and friendly" they sigh and nodded

"Alright we'll try star" mother said as they sat down on the couch. I looked in the kitchen and run towards Angie "Hello!" She turns and hugs me "Star! You came back how wonderful"

"Yeah and I brought my parents for you to meet" "That's wonderful, let me finish this and I'll be out there" I nod and go find Marco and I see him playing with his nephew's "Again! Again Tío!"

The twins had him crazy as the teen just looked bored out of her mind "I'm getting tired, let me take a break" "No! Please!" Marco moved away and wrapped his arms around me "I need a recharge from my girlfriend" I laughed "Your dumb, but it's cute"

after talking and enjoying ourselves it was time for our parents to meet "Alright mom, dad this is Moon and River Butterfly,  Stars parents" "Mother, father this is Raphael and Angelina Diaz, Marco's Lovely parents"

they looked at each other and shook hands "Your daughter is wonderful and such a free spritit that she has us so upbeat about things" "She's so adorable and really cares about others feelings" I blushed at the praise and I wonder what nice things they'll say about Marco

"Your son is amazing..he's quick to answer and he doesn't back down at any challenge. He's determined and very honest" father said which I loved but mother haven't spoke "You mean that Mr. Butterfly?" "Of course my boy" they smiled at each other

"He made my daughter feel safer.." mother said and I looked at her "She was so unhappy with her old relationship, when I saw the way she acted with him I knew she loved him, they are so beautiful together that it makes me happy to see my daughter's heart open for a man who treats her with all the love and respect she deserves..Marco Thank you for making our daughter happier"

Marco was in shock and smiled "Of course Mrs. Butterfly" she smiles and wipes away a few tears as Marco wipes some from my face. "You okay?" "I'm perfect" I walked away from him and hugged mother and she held back "I forgive you" she kissed my head "Thank you"

A/n Hey! This book isn't dead! Lol sorry for taking so freaking long but I've been busy and also helping my sister with her eye that leaks and stuff and I have to be by her side..anyways hope you enjoyed the part and I'll try updating as fast as I could lol bye guys 👋😊

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