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Star pov
After having a wonderful evening with Marco he brought me home and I kissed him goodnite and rushed inside. My heart fluttered as I watched him run off, as I turn I jump seeing amber smirking "Goodness you scared me!"

She laughs "Seems your plan is working, did you figure out how your going to tell him about Mewni?" I shook my head "No, not yet and I tend to keep it that way for awhile" she scoffs as she takes a seat

"Princess, I hate to be a downer but you're running out of time" I nodded "I know, maybe I can ask mother for a little more time, we just started and I don't want to scare him off with I'm a queen to be and need a prince to rule by my side"

I lay on the couch and groan "Well, its better to tell the truth so things don't what's the American term? Blow up in your face" I giggled "Amber, do you miss home?" She sighs and nods "Of course I do, its the place I was born and raised" I sigh

"Do you regret coming here with me?" She shakes her head "No, if we're being honest if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the Queens right hand woman, and also to become yours. When you were born I knew you were different, so outgoing and defiant like a future Queen should be.."

I smiled and blushed slightly "Amber, thanks for being there for me..I love you" she gasped and smiled "Love you to Star" I sat up and pulled her into a hug "I hope your by my side when I even have kids of my own" she laughs

"Don't worry I'll always be by your side, no matter what" that night we stayed watching cheesy Halloween movies until we fell asleep on couch. As I woke up amber was cuddled on one side with the blanket and I decided to clean up the mess we made.

As I finished I dressed up and left a note for amber and disappear looking for marco. As I got to his apartment complex I saw and older woman and she was shorter than me "Hello, are you a friend of my nephew?" This is his aunt "Yes, I am is he in?"

She shakes her head "No he's at school, I think his roommate is in?" I nodded "Oh thanks I'll take off" as I began to walk she grabbed my arm "Wait, he'll be back in a hour, want to come in?" I sigh and nodded

"Sure, I hope I'm not intruding" she giggles "Not at all" as I entered her house was cozy and covered in toys and other things "Sorry its a mess, my twins and my oldest" I nodded and saw Marco with her "Oh yeah, Marco loves this picture" I held the photo, he looked younger there "When did you take this?"

She looks at it and smiles "I believe when he was 16, it was at a family gathering" I smirked and saw her kids and her "Aw what a beautiful picture" I say looking at it "Oh yeah, my kids I love them but a lot to handle especially the twins, Marcus and Martin my boys and my only daughter Cynthia"

she looked like her "She's gorgeous and looks like you" she nods "Where's your husband?" She sighs and cleans up, I hope I didn't upset her "He left when I was pregnant with the twins..I have no clue where he went" I held her hand

"Its okay, I'm sorry for asking something so personal" she smiled "Its okay, what's your name?" "Oh silly me, Star Butterfly" she giggles "Pretty name, I'm Zoe or Zo for short, I'm Marcos aunt from his fathers side" I could tell Marco kinda looks like her

"Nice to finally meet you" she looks at me "You kinda have an accent" I nodded "Yeah not from here, I'm from Mewni" she raised a brow "Never heard of it?" I chuckled "Yeah its pretty hidden, its not on the maps" she giggles and finishes cleaning the living room

"Well, Star do you want a drink? Water? Wine? Beer?" I shake my head "Water is fine" she hands me a bottle water and sits by me "So, your Marcos friend?"  "Yeah, well we're kinda seeing each other" she smiled

"That's wonderful, my nephew finally finds a nice girl" I was a little curious about the other girl "If you don't mind me asking, who was the last girl Marco dated?" She tilted her head "Um, I don't want to be sharing information on Marcos personal life"

I sigh "I told Marco about my abusive relationship, all I know its a girl named Jackie who broke his heart or something. I would ask him but he just avoid it, please tell me? I won't tell him you told me"

she sighs and nods "This stays between us okay" I nodded "I promise you" she took a deep breath "Alright, Marco met Jackie when they were 16. They began dating since Marco saved her from falling down the stairs of their school, when he caught her that day he said it felt like they were meant to be.."

that sounded very touching and sweet "When they graduated from high school things were great until school started for them both. They both attended the same school and all but Marco noticed jackie not really happy being in the same school" that was a little weird

"Why not?"  "She was accepted into a school far away from here, she didn't want to leave Marco behind because of it, so when they turned 22 Jackie had enough of being stuck and write Marco a letter about why she left him and why she couldn't stay with him anymore"

I sigh a bit "So Marco stayed away from girls that flirted with him or even tried talking to him because he was simply not ready to love someone again.." I felt my eyes water a bit "But he met you.." I looked at her a little nervous

"He's been so much happier and more out there then he has been in months, your the best thing that came into his life and I thank you" she hugged me and I wiped my eyes, I was leading him on and I'm leaving soon

"Oh what's wrong star?" I shake my head "Um, I only have a few months to stay here..I don't want him to go back to being sad and not happy" she held a face of worry "Does he know?" I nodded "He does, but I don't want to think about it" she nods "Alright" I looked at her and I truly felt she could hold secrets

"Can I tell you a secret? No telling Marco or anyone" she nods "I promise" I took a deep breath "Not only am I from Mewni, im also soon to be a Queen I have came here to look for my King, and that so happens to be Marco but I'm scared he wouldn't want me for me instead of what I am, a royal Princess"

she held her mouth wide open "Zoe? Are you okay?" "Your a princess?! How can I tell if you are or not? You could be bluffing" I pulled out my phone and showed her my parents and myself in my royal wear

"I'm the next heir to rule Mewni, I must be married to be able to take my mothers crown, this is why I only have a few months" she slowly sat down processing "Your a princess, Marco is dating a princess and he doesn't even know!" I shush her

"Please don't tell him, nobody could know my secret I would like to tell him at a point, I just need time before I tell him the real reason why I'm here" she nods "I won't tell a soul your heiress, your secret is safe with me"

I smiled and hugged her "Thanks" after a few seconds the door opens and her twins walk in with Marco "Tia Zoe what did you make to.. eat?" I stood up and waved at him "Star? What are you doing here?" I walked towards him and kiss him quick

"She came to find you, but you were at school so I told her wait here" I thanked Zoe "Oh okay, well want to go eat Star?" I nodded "I would love that" he pulled me under his arm and I looked back at her as she held a face of worry. I hope I can do this.

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