16. The Blue Bell Ball

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Star pov
He was banging on the door as I fell to the ground crying and holding my knees up. I should've known he would fall back to that girl. I was just stupid to fall for him. "Star! Please open up! Let me explain?!" I didn't want to hear it "Please.." he sounded broken and hurt. Good. For playing with my heart like that.

"Star?" I look and see mother as I rushed into her arms "Mommy" I cried as she held me tightly "What happened dear?" I looked at her as she held my face "Relax and tell me" "He kissed another girl..he kissed her knowing he was with me." Mother gasp a bit "Are you sure it wasn't a misunderstanding?"

"Yes mother! I saw him with my own two eyes! Ugh I'm such an idiot to believe such a guy like Marco would be perfect.." I shake my head as my phone was ringing and going off "Star it's your boyfriend..oh sweetie what happened?" Father held my face as he wiped a few tears away "River don't she's not in a mood to talk"

"Moon pie I need to know what's wrong with my daughter" I sigh "It's not important. Can we go home? Please?" "Uh what about Marco?" "No. Let's go please daddy." He nods "Alright I'll call the pilot. I'm sorry princess" I sigh "When we get home we'll start preparing you're ceremony" "As you wish.." I didn't even put up a fight? I just felt nothing but hurt and betrayal and it was for something so stupid!


I sat in the seat looking out the window as my parents took there's as I kept looking at the photos of me and Marco. God why am I feeling like this? This feels worse when we were apart when I was with oskar. "You should rest dear" I nod as I locked my phone and laid back closing my eyes. Oh Marco..

Hours go by and I couldn't sleep or even eat. Amber looked worried as she sighed "Maybe he was ambushed princess?" I scoff "Yeah totally and he seemed to enjoy it.." "Star that poor boy was begging at the door for you to open so he can explain. What other guy has done that for you?"

I glared at her feeling a bit confused and annoyed "Shut up Amber. You weren't there when he betrayed me." I hissed as glared a bit "Fine. Be bitter and alone for the rest of your life. You had a boy who cherishes you and did everything to make you happy." I blinked away a few tears as i shook m head

"It was a misunderstanding Star. He would never cheat on you..he's an honest guy." "Enough!" I yelled as she jumps a bit at my outburst "Just shut up and leave me alone Amber.." "As you wish princess.." she lowered her head as I looked to see mother and father wake up. "Are we there yet?" Father asked as I see the island appear

"Soon. Very soon." Amber said as she glared at me. I didn't mean to be rude I'm just upset with him and everyone telling me he's not bad but they weren't there! None of them were there!


As we landed and got into the car and drove home I looked at my phone for anything. Even though I'm upset with him I still want his attention. But to my luck he stopped texting as soon as i left California. "I told you so." I look up and see Amber look out the window as she held a neutral stare. "The boy cared about you." I groan in annoyance

"Amber..just-" "I get it. But this was your only chance to find a suitor, now you'll marry someone who you won't even love. Nor would share an heir. I'm sorry." After that she was silent on the way back to the castle. When we arrived I was greeted by my servants "Welcome back Princess Star Butterfly" they said in unison.

"Hello to you all. Excuse me will you?" They nod as I rush off and go to my room "Welcome back Princess Star" my maid said "Thanks I wish to be alone please." "As you wish" she walks out closing my door and I jump onto my bed and cry. Maybe I should've gave him a chance to explain of just leaving so quickly?


The next day I didn't receive a call nor a text from Marco. It felt like he really listen to me and left me alone. I sigh as I hear a knock "Come in" my mother walked in and my maids "Get ready today is the blue bell ball. It's to prepare you for your ceremony" oh right I forgot "Is there going to be suitors?" "Some that are still interested. It wouldn't have suitors if-"

"Mother please" she stops herself "Sorry. I just feel a bit gloomy after hearing his speech of never hurting you and what not.." Mother sat beside me and held my face "I really thought he was the one for you sweetheart" I sigh "Me too." She kissed my head and stood up and cleaned her dress "Now get ready darling. See you soon." I nod as she leaves and my maids away "Time for a bath Princess." "Alright."

As I dressed in my dress I head down towards the ballroom and see the guest coming in. "Good even princess" some said and bow and I smiled "Good evening to all. Enjoy the ball as you wish." They smiled as I took my seat between my parents as I watched the guest dance and banter. I held my head to the side as I thought about Marco.

We would have been dancing and enjoying the ball. Even recieve praise from the other royals. "May I have this dance?" I look up and see a cute looking guy. His eyes dark and his smile bright. His accent thick and his skin a caramel tan. "Oh..um sure. I apologize for that.." "Prince Jay of Westons. A pleasure to see you princess."

He took me to the center as I looked into his eyes. It seems like he was caring but it seemed off. "Likewise" as we danced I kept looking at my parents as they smiled softly but looked pained. I even felt pained. I should be dancing with Marco not some guy. "So how was America?" "Oh it was fun I suppose?"

He nods "Seems you came empty handed. It's quite sad actually" I scoff and pull away "What's that supposed to mean?" "Can't you see? You're unlovable? No one would date you." He smirks and shoved him "Shut up!" "Why? What I'm saying is true? You leave to find a lover but come home alone? You really couldn't get a single guy to fall for yo-"

I threw a punch causing jay to fall onto the floor with a bloody nose "ENOUGH! YOU DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS TO THE FUTURE QUEEN OF MEWNI!! GUARD'S TAKE HIM AWAY!" The royal guards took him as he laughed "You're weak." I rolled my eyes as Amber took me away before I ruined more of the ball.

"Star?! What were you think-" i was in tears as she pulled me into a hug "Hey don't cry.." "he told me I was unlovable..no guy would date me. Is he right?" "No! If course not! How do you explain Marco?" I lowered my head noticing my gloves covered in blood. As I was gonna speak I heard heels hitting the floor as i turn and see mother "Star? Are you alright? That was some..show."

"I'm sorry. He stepped out of line and I didn't even know I had that in me." "How did you learn to do that?" "Marco taught me a bit when we started talking.." I blushed just remembering him "Oh. Well he taught you well" I smirked softly and nod "He did..Mother I'm gonna go take a walk?" "Yes of course dear. Just keep a royal guard around." "Of course." I take my leave and looked at my feet. Wow I didn't think I would use that in someone. Maybe he was meant for me?

I made it to the royal garden as i sat on the stone bench near the statuette of Eclipsa and Solara. I noticed Eclipsa had a crack on her arms. Odd? As I sigh alone I pull my hair out of my bun and lowered my crown. "I want to be the best queen and also to rule with you by my side. I'm such an idiot."

"No you're not.."

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