Chapter 2

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Her p.o.v.

So we finally make it to Minnesota and take a limo with Prince back to Paisley Park.

We pull in and go directly to the back.

His assistant takes the bags and right away as we go inside.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Jen said looking up at the sky lights and the walls painted and the floor and ceiling and the whole thing.

"Damn!" I say looking around.

"What?" He asked as we made our way threw the lobby.

"Nothing. I've just never seen anything more beautiful in all my life." I say to him smiling.

"I have. And I'm looking at her." He smiled.

"Oh please!" Jen scoffed.

"What? You jealous?" I asked her.

"Damn chill girls! Relax. No fights here. No rules but that. No contracts,no fights,no problems. I think I might have to seperate you too for your own good." He said smiling at us both.

"Wait..what?" Jen asked him.

"I don't want there to be any drama lady's. None." He said to us.

"I'm cool." I told him smiling.

"Yeah whatever." Jen said scoffing.

"Look, I did this as a favor for you both. Being Disrespectful get you no fucking where. A lil gratitude might be worth it." He said to her.

"Look I didn't ask for your help ok,Prince? You fucking offered it. Excuse me for being a bitch." she said loud rolling her eyes.

I just shook my head at her. What the fuck is she smoking?

"Jen!" I shout at her looking at her with my eyes big.

He just stood there not knowing what to say or how to even say it.

"I'm going to act as if you didn't say that lil momma. Don't fucking talk to me that way. I'm helping you. If you don't want my free help..then fucking go find yo own way back to LA and find yo self your own way. Fucking slut."

Jen stood there. Mouth open. Mine was too.

"Prince!" I shouted.

"Fuck the both of you!" She scoffed.

"Don't ever come at me like that again. If you want my help I will help you. But damn do not treat me like I owe you shit. Cause I don't! I don't owe anyone anything! I am my own person and I will be damned if some girl I'm trying to help gets an attitude with me on day fucking one!" He scoffed.

"Ok..ok..calm down. Let's take a breath. We all want the same thing here. Let's not argue or fight on day one." I say to them. Trying to reason with them.

"Apologize for calling me a slut. Then maybe I will apoligise for being rude." Jen says arms crossed looking at Prince.

"Oh my god! Is this how it's going to go on now? I'm sorry Jen." He said to her.

"Yes. I'm sorry too." She said.

"Good. Now. Let's play nice." I say smiling.

"So you never did tell me what it is you wanted to do.." He asked us clearing the awkwardness out of the room.

"Not sure really to be honest."We both say at the same time.

"Can you dance?" He asked us.

"Some." Jen answered.

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