Chapter 10

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Her p.o.v.

Day after Hangover..

Jen and Andre leave. Noel stays.

Prince wants to spend time with her and get to know her better.

"So Noel..what you wanna do today?" he asked her smiling at the kitchen table.

"Oh I dont know.." she answered sipping her orange juice.

"I think it's great he wants to spend time with you honey. I'm sure you will find something to do." I say smiling sipping my orange juice.

"We can go shopping..if you'd like?" He asked Noel sipping his coffee.

"Sure. That sounds fun!" She said to him smiling.

"Great. Wanna come with Janie?" He asked me smiling.

"Oh um no..I think you guys need to spend time alone without me." I say getting up.

"That's a really good idea! I'll call a limo and we can go as soon as your ready Noel." He said smiling.

"That sounds good. I'll hang out here and don't worry about me." I say smiling and hugging them both.

"Yes! Take a bubble a book..take a nap..I'm sure you can find plenty to do here." he smiled at me.

"That's a good guys have fun." I say smiling hugging Noel and kissing Prince on cheek.

"You can get whatever you want Noel. Since you guys decided to stay longer. That can be your room, do it up however youd like." he told her as they both walked out of the kitchen.

I smiled thinking about how we decided to stay longer. And Noel wanted to actually. I thought it would be great for them to bond without me. So I suggested that they go out. Though he was reluctant at first due to the drama that surrounds him whenever he goes anywhere..but when hes home seems they leave him alone.  So I wasnt worried.

They left and I go take a long relaxing byubble bath alone. Thinking about how my life has changed so quickly once again.

I love him so much and wouldnt mind marrying him now that everythimg seems to be falling in to place.

His p.o.v.

"So Noel..what type of music you like honey?"I  asked her smiling as we rode in the back of the limo.

"Lots of stuff." She replied smiling.

"Well how bout we go to a record store and you can pick out some stuff?"I  asked her smiling.

"That be awsome!" She said smiling ear to ear.

"What do kids your age listen to now a days? Since I'm so old and dont know.."I asked her chuckling.

"Very funny..You're the same age as my mom..You're not that old. What can I call you? I feel weird asking this." She said to me.

"Well you can call me Prince just like everyone else. What would you like me to call you?" I asked her.

"Oh..Noel is fine." she laughed.

"Alright glad we got that straightened out." I laughed.

"Yeah was kinda awkward." She says laughing.

"Well here we are! The Electric Fetus. My favorite record stow." I chuckled.

"Record Stow?" Shecasjed confused.

"Ha! Yeah. It was in a movie I made. I'll have to let you see it. It's called Under The Cherry Moon. It's a black and white film. I played a male hooker who fell inlove with a girl out of my league. I produced it." I smiled explaining as I  got out then helped her out.

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