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Janie p.o.v.

Over the next few weeks Prince and Noel decide to release her stuff on Youtube.

She is now a YouTube sensation with tons of followers.

Her name is Noel Nona and she's a singer/rapper.

She releases her and my song on her page and the songs from the album she was working on in with Prince. Her album is called "Making a star."

With great reviews. With Prince as her manager/producer nothing mentioned about being his daughter.

The group they started as well is on her page. 3G. Aka 3Girls

Produced and managed by Prince.

Noel Nona and 3G

An online group wants to interview her.

"So Noel Nona and 3G pleased to have you with us today."the host says.

"Thanks..were pleased to be here."

"Now Noel..your solo album Making a star..is doing great..to what do you credit your success so far and why?" Host asks.

She stops for a second looks over at Prince..he shakes his head no.

"Um well..my manager and producer." She answered.

"So your manager and producer is who you credit for your success? That being Prince..correct?" Host asks.

She looks at him again. Blankly staring at her.

Thanks dad for the confidence

"Um well yes. He's amazing." She responds.

He shakes his head as if to say come on.

Think you could do better?

"So everyone wants to know how did you meet him?" Host asks.

She looks over at him again. Shakes his head And mouths "Now you see why I dont do interviews?"

"Well a few years ago when I lived in LA there was this radio station having this singing contest and the winner would be flown out to Minnesota to record a demo with Prince. I happened to see it and auditioned. Made the finals..got flown out here for him to decide who was the winner. Well his choice all three of us because we were all so good. And here we are." Noel says with a smile.

"Ah huh I see..so how come it took so long for everything to get done? Thats like a 5 years span." Host asks.

She looks over at Prince..blankly.
This is not what I expected

"Ah yes well things had to be worked out. My mother wanted me to finish school,go to college, ect. Life happened and it took awhile for everything to come together."she answered honestly.

"Ah I see..so your first single..your duet with Prince and your mother..who was a solo star in the 80's..with this song..that pretty much was a hit amd miss. Didn't she date him at the time? And.."

She looks over at Prince again shaking his head.

This bitch..is pissing me the hell off !

"I don't know..why don't you ask him. I wasn't there or even born how the fuck should I know?!" And she storms off leaving the others there alone.

She walks over to prince crying. "Dad you wanna take this one?"

He walks over..sits down puts the mic on and says..."yes her mother and I dated breifly..but what that has to do with her or any of her success I'm not understanding why its so important?"

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