Chapter 16

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Her p.o.v.

So with all that drama over with I can now concentrate on the nursery. 

He wants to have a gender reveal. But I think that it's to much work.

I just want to find out what it is so we can focus on the room.

"Babe. I have people that can set the hole thing up and all you have to do is pick out what you want for the party..sit and watch. I don't care. I will sit with you." He said laughing.

"I'm just so tired. I don't have the energy this time around. I'm guessing that I'm older and maybe that's why its harder." I say sighing.

"Baby. It's ok. I know." he said hugging me.

"I just don't have the energy. I hate this feeling.." I tell him starting to cry.

He sighs.."ah here come the hormones." he chuckled.

"It's not funny..I cant do anything..for anything." I continue sobbing.

"It's ok really. Take a breath." he said patting my back.

"I guess Jen could help me with it." I say wipping my tears.

"That's a good idea baby!" He smiled.

"Yeah let me talk to her. I don't think she will mind. It will be fun for her. And Noel too!" I say smiling at him.

"That's a good idea too! Noel will love that!" He smiled.

"Do you want to help too? Since you never got to last time?" I asked him.

"No..It's more of a woman thing then a mans." he laughed. "I will be here for the baby. And helping with it of course..that to me is all the gift I need." he smiled honestly.

"You're right." I tell him. "I'm going to talk to Jen and Noel."


I walk to Jen and andres room

"Hey girl!" I say to her tapping on the room door.

"Hey. How you doing? Yesterday was bananas.." she asked laughing.

"Yes it was. How do ypu feel about a gender reveal party?" I asked her sitting on the bed with her.

"Cute idea! Can I help with the nursery too?" She asked smiling.

"Yes of course! Girl I'm so much more tired this time around then I was with Noel. I just dont have energy to do anything. Prince was saying that he had people who can set it up and stuff. So I wouldn't have to lift a finger." I explained.

"Sounds like a good idea. I will mention it to Noel. And now you won't have toilet a finger at all. We got it." she said hugging me.

"Thanks. I still have no idea what it is yet. I'm starting to get nervous."

"It will be alright. Girl." she says smiling. 

About that time Noel walks by.

"Noel come here a second!" Jen says.

"Yes?" Peeking in the door.

"How you feel about a gender reveal party for your mom and new baby?" she asked her smiling.

"Awsome idea!" She said excited.

"Great! I will get it ready as soon as we find out what it is." Jen said smiling.

I was happy and excited about this whole thing. They would be essentially taking care of  everything and I'm just there. Doing nothing. The thought of me not doing anything was kinda depressing me.

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