Chapter 6

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Janie p.o.v.

Next moring I wake up and forgot where I was for a moment. Then it comes back to me. I'm in Minnesota in a hotel With Prince.

My body is sore..but I feel pretty damn good. I look over and don't see him laying in the bed. But there is a note on the pillow. It says :

"Didn't want to wake you. I had to leave for stuff for today. Room is taken care of. I look forward to seeing you later today beautiful."

Your Prince

Awe how sweet. He always has a way with words.

I get up..take a shower and get ready to leave. The room phone rings


"Hey! Glad I caught you before you left. Did you sleep well my love?" He asked

"Oh yes! Very well. Thank you." I say.

"Well I wanted to let you know that the radio station will be coming to Pasley and finishing the contest. Noel will be tied with this other girl. Im thinking of starting a girl group. How do you feel about that?" He asked me.

"It depends on how Noel feels about it. I'm fine with it." I told him twisting the phone cord in my hand.

"Fair enough..see you later my love. Don't say anything to her. I shouldn't have told you. But I felt you had a right to know."

"I won't. See you. And thanks again." I say.

I hang up amd walk out of the room up to my room woth Jen and Noel.

"Hey girl! How are you? U look relaxed and happy." She said sitting on the bed.

"Im fantastic!" I say smilimg big as i join her on the bed.

"So tell me everything!" She said smiling

"Wait. Where s Noel?" I asked her looking around for her. 

"Left already." She said.

"Ok. So after you left ladt night je came out a while later and we got a lil handsy. And kissing.  And then i coukdbt take it anymore. He got a room,and after we got in lets just say it was like we never ledt eachother. He was amazing and better then i remembered. He was so sexy and polite. We did it like 5 times and i feel great! Oh he wants me to stay here in Minneapolis with Noel. Hes going to start a teen girl group with Noel and the other girl. Asked how infelt about it. Told him its up to noel. Im fine with it. And will stay with him at pp. He wants to finish where we left off. No hard feelings and clean slate. " I explained to her

"Holy artichoke! Thats awsome! " she said hugging me.

"I know right. Dream come true all over again. "

I quickly change clothes and get ready.

We catch a cab to pp.

They let us in and up to where everyone is in recording studio with the contestants,radio station and Prince. 

We sit in some couches as the station conducts the stuff they were there for.

"So Prince..time to decide the winner!" The announcer says

"Well..ive chosen 3 of them..actually. they are all equally talented and i want to start a girl group. " he says smiling.

"All 3 girls have won this contest! How do you girls feel about this?" The announcer asked.

"We think its awsome and cant wait to start working on album!" They all say

"Well there you have it! The winner s of this contest with Prince for a record contest starting a girl group. Congrads ladys. Prince thanks for being apart of this contest. Its been a pleasure. Nice studio and compound. Can't wait to hear them on their debute album. Have you come up with a name yet for them?"

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